Thursday, September 28, 2006

The smear campaign against George Allen of Virginia is just another desperate move by a desperate party of liberal political orientation

I'm sure you folks have been reading about it - - the senate race in Virginia has turned into a mudslinging smear campaign complete with unsubstantiated racial accusations by the party better known for such tactics in the past. Of course I am referring to the Democratic Party, a political party many of us know as the one populated by ranting liberals who will stoop to anything to prove to anybody that they aren't the idiots that we have all figured them out to be.

Is this any surprise? Absolutely not. They, the leftists of this nation, have proven over and over that they cannot debate at any intellectual level - last case in point that I thought nails this one down was the Rick Santorum versus Bob Casey debate on Meet the Press. The liberals can't run a country, case in point is the Clinton and Carter presidencies. They can't even play fair in a basic race for the senate. Then again, since when has liberalism ever played fair?

And this one is good. I'm proud of our liberal friends. Just when you thought they couldn't become any more idiotic, they stoop lower. And this is an obviously well orchestrated attack, deemed to make the voter hate George Allen, just like they are trying to get the good people of the United States of America to hate George W. Bush with unfounded and idiotic accusations and distorted facts and viewpoints. The campaign against Allen, however, goes way beyond his political ideas. Now the democrats have decided to charge one of the republicans as being a closet racist. Rush Limbaugh said it best. He stated this morning that the attack on Senator George Allen as being charged a "closet racist who used the dreaded n-word while in college will boomerang against the Democrats."

Do the dems think that the public is that stupid? This is so obviously a desperate measure in a desperate situation that even the leftist media is recognizing the idiocy of this and are beginning to ask the question, "is Allen being railroaded?"

For those of you who don't know the story, this all began when the republican senator from Virginia, by stringing some syllables together, made up the name "macaca" (a similarity to another nickname he uses for his niece, Maka - he is known for nicknaming friends, family, and members of his staff in an attempt at humor) not knowing the name of a cameraman that James Webb (Allen's challenger for the senate seat - and Hollywood movie producer) had sent to film Allen. Well, being who they are, the media just knew that somewhere in this was a story of hate and racism, and they located the word to actually exist on another continent, and of course, as expected, it is a derogatory term -- used many years ago on in Tunisia. Without taking notice that the word has no meaning on this continent, or that Allen made it up without knowledge of its existence elsewhere, these liberal members of the press defined George Allen as racist for making the remark, and the democrats jumped all over it.

The cameraman did indeed claim to be offended, so Allen promptly apologized, as he should have, I suppose, and then the racist stories started pouring in. One report claimed that Allen wore a Confederate flag lapel pin as a kid in high school, and that he often used the n-word. Another claimed that he used to state all the time that Americans of African descent eat turtles when he played football in school. Another charges that Allen once put a deer's head in a black family's mailbox. What the liberals won't tell you is that none of these stories have legs, there are no records nor memories by interviewed deputies from 17 years ago that there were ever any complaints about severed animal heads, or that a lot of people that were on Allen's football team have come to his defense one of which is a black minister.

Of course the left is not challenging Allen in regards to policies, ideologies, or ideas. They can't. They learned that trying to debate would never work with the Santorum/Casey debate. If you can't tackle your opponent cleanly, you chop him off at the knees. Dirty, but effective.

The left has to play dirty. Not only do they not know how to debate using any kind of specifics, but now reports are out that even in the liberal polls Bush's approval rating is up to 42 percent. We are six weeks away from going to the voting booths to decide which party controls the U.S. Congress, and the democrats are losing the edge they thought they had. So they launch this crap, but the voters aren't stupid. The voters recognize dirty politics when they see them, and in this election will make their decisions based on the candidates past performance, record, and vision for the future, not on ridiculous attacks obviously orchestrated out of fear. Besides, they need to attack George Allen. He's a Reagan Conservative interested in running in 2008, and his success would be disastrous for them. They've got to get him know, before he can gain any momentum. Thing is, Allen doesn't fit the pattern that the left is accusing him of following, and once again they are slitting their own throats (that was meant as a figure of speech, of course, so any of you leftist readers out their better BACK OFF!)

The Republican Party is populated by persons of deep convictions laced with decency. The left can't stand it. The left smears themselves merely with their own actions, and when the "right" doesn't perform identically, they must create something. When Bush made it known that he seeks God's will, they cried out that he wants to make America a theocracy. Now this. Pessimism and defeatism is not what the voters wish to support. That's what is funniest about all of this. In an attempt to defeat the liberals at the polls conservatives have no need to do anything but stand back and allow the left to hang themselves with stupidy such as this racist accusation against an upstanding republican senator.


  1. good post sir....republicans need to stop "defending themselves" and go on the offensive! let the liberals rant - - people will see it for what it is if we (republicans) move to the issues and stop trying to fight them at their level.....

  2. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Now Cogress is only 49% stupid.

  3. So says the idiot that misspells Congress.

    No, anonymous, Congress is not 49% stupid, the left has the majority, so now Congress is mostly stupid.
