Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Celebrating October 31st, but not because it's Halloween!

Here you can see a photograph of me and my wife of 22 years. This was taken last July in Oregon. Tonight I will not celebrate Halloween. Never have. Never will. When my children were young I took my kids out trick-or-treating, but they were not allowed to dress up as someone scary. Often I would dress up too. One year I was Popeye, my wife was Olive Oil, and our daughter (who was an infant at the time) was Sweet Pea. Anyhow, we have always celebrated October 31st, however, because it is my wife's birthday. So, rather than sit here and write a long, thought provoking post, my children and I are going to take Virginia out for dinner and a movie. We are going to see Flags of Our Fathers.

See ya tomorrow with yet another opinionated article. Until then, God Bless, and be safe.

1 comment:

  1. Doug, Well you know I'm married to a pastor, we have always had a good time on Halloween. In our younger days we would celebrate by partying till the wee hours of the morning.

    As our kids grew up we grew up, and we let them celebrate by dressing up as they wanted to. Some years they went scary, others they went humorous, and now they enjoy sitting at home and handing out candy to kids.

    point being, this is one day that kids can be kids, I don't see any harm in dressing up as a devil or a monster in the spirit of fun, My wife went as satan last year, (she had a case in her hand that said in case of emergency or satan's appearance break glass, a bible was in it)

    Kind of funny to see the looks on the faces of her friends.. anyway happy B-day to mrs gibbs,
