Thursday, October 19, 2006

Democratic party seizes another opportunity to play dirty politics

The candidate, Joe Negron, replacing Representative Mark Foley on the Florida ballot has been barred from posting signs at polling places clarifying that votes for Foley will actually go to him. Foley, as expected after the sex scandal involving him and male congressional aides and the internet, resigned from Congress on September 29th.

Rules prohibits Foley's name to be replaced on the ballot so close to the election so Joe Negron, in an attempt to educate the voters on recent events, asked election officials to post signs at the polls telling voters that ballots cast for Foley would elect him instead.

A Florida Circuit Judge ruled against posting the signs, claiming that the legislature did not authorize them, thus granting the Florida Democratic Party's request for an injunction blocking the signs.

Democratic Party officials said the notices would amount to a last-minute campaign boost for Negron, and that could just not be allowed. The left sees this as an opportunity for an easy win, and another nail in the coffin in the Republican control of Congress.

The Republicans are going to appeal the ruling.

Sterling Ivey, Republican spokesperson, said, "We think voter education issues are paramount."

Of course, I suppose that if there is anyone in that district that is not aware of what has been going on, perhaps they don't belong in the voting booth.

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  1. zap pop-up resolved. Thanks for visiting, FTGF!
