Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dems take the House, Senate possibly too, and Rumsfeld steps down.

What a day of news. Dave and Jenn will be discussing this and more on My Point Radio tonight, and I plan to chime in. 4 pm Pacific Time. Take a listen here.


  1. A busy day for sure. Perhaps the Republicans should have campaigned with "Bush is bad" as their only platform. It sure seemed to work for the dems.

  2. Agree with John. Too bad they can not unite with Bush instead of hide from him.

  3. Anonymous6:22 PM

    I promise you, FTGF.

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    We all should, don't you think?

  5. Anonymous8:07 AM

    In the first sentance you say "of course" and the last sentance you say you don't think I can make a logical argument. Now who's logic is questionable here?

    You know where Bush stands? Pray, tell. Where does he stand on Rummy? Etc.

  6. Anonymous8:53 AM

    What's so illogical about it, is that you're spinning some kind of fantacy that I don't "understand" you. I understand you perfectly. I just don't agree.

    So, answer my questions, logically. Or at least, try to keep up.
