Friday, November 03, 2006

Iran fires missiles as the liberal attitude once again makes itself known in the public school system

I suppose you all know about Iran test-firing missiles, including ones that could reach Israel. A display of power such as this, coupled with their aspirations for a nuclear program makes me more nervous that North Korea's situation. Iran would be glad to share such technology with their Muslim allies in an attempt to eliminate Israel.

We need to deal with this now, with force. But, we won't, just like we didn't with North Korea, because everybody's too worried about making someone mad.

Meanwhile, in Gaza, the Palestinians used women as a human shield against Israeli troops.

And the Palestinians are accusing Israel of attempting genocide against the Palestinian people.

Fox News tonight gave a report about how the terrorists are urging everyone to vote Democrat - - calling a Democratic victory the beginning of the downfall of America.

And when these situations were brought up at work, one of my co-workers said, "Why even concern yourself with that stuff. There's nothing you can do about it. Just live your life." Another acquaintance told me, "These things are happening because we are in the region. Our violence against those people is creating the violence over there. Besides, we don't belong in Iraq anyways. Think about it. There was no Iraqis on those planes during 9/11." I'm surprised this person didn't start spouting out that Bush and Rumsfeld brought down the towers with well placed explosives.

My answer to that "no Iraqis on the planes on 9/11" is, "so I suppose you think we shouldn't have fought Germany in WWII because there were no Germans in the planes during Pearl Harbor, either."

Honestly, after these idiots made these statement, my first question to myself was, "Where in the hell do these people get these ludicrous ideas?"

As stated in a post not too long ago, one needs not look farther than our own public school system.

See if you recognize the connection here.

My daughter came to the aid of a friend that came under attack by another classmate. Knowing that her friend is not very good at defending herself, my daughter and another girl separated the girls fighting, and were then promptly apprehended by security and sent to the office. Originally my daughter was going to be suspended, but when my wife showed up and confronted the principal, her suspension was cancelled. The victim and the girl that assisted my daughter was still suspended. The aggressor WAS NOT SUSPENDED.

Also, when my daughter asked why they were in trouble for essentially stopping a fight, the response was, "School rules are that you either walk away, or if unable to, be beat up. If you respond to the attack, you will be suspended."


Get attacked, do nothing, and everybody is okay, because fighting (violence) will not be tolerated. However, you will not be suspended if your parent is proactive, or if your are the aggressor and somehow sweet talk yourself out of it.

I am pissed.

But doesn't this sound just like Politically Correct B.S. and liberalism?

They say, "Violence begets violence." "Don't fight the terrorists, you might make them mad! Just talk to them and allow yourself to be beaten to a pulp, and maybe they'll go away."

Holy Sh**! Are people really that stupid?

I told my daughter that fighting for the sake of fighting will not be tolerated. And if it is possible to walk away, or resolve the conflict without fighting, that is the best resolution. However, "If you find yourself in a situation where the aggressor cannot be negotiated with, defend yourself. Kick their a$$. Allowing bullies to continue to bully enables them to do it to others and to continue to do it to you. Defend yourself."

Hmmm. Maybe the leftists were those kids in school that somehow avoided bullies and so they never learned that there are evil/mean people out there, and the only way to deal with them is to take the battle to them.


  1. Remember A Clockwork Orange? They brainwashed him into shrinking from violence so that he could not defend himself... life imitates art...

    Did you hear that 6 more Arab states plan to go nuclear? This is what happens when the UN does nothing about Iran. It's getting worse and worse.

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    And here we are talking about school bullies...

    Talk about changing the subject. Is this civics? Or is this current events? Only your hairdresser knows for sure.

  3. What is your point, mudkittylitter? You seem to lack one except just making derisive remarks which are of no use or consequence.

    What possible reason is there to troll other people's sites and make rude remarks? Your parents obviously didn't teach you good manners. And the educational system did you a grave disservice as you seem unable to contribute anything intelligent.

    Now go back and play in your litterbox.

  4. *:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*'``'*:-.,_,.-:*
    Have A God Blessed Week!!!!

  5. Anonymous5:20 PM

    A2 - you call me kittylitter while lecturing me on manners. Typical republican. This is just another example of how rightwingers lack a sense of irony. Besides, is this your site? I think the siteowner can and does take care of himself very well, thank you very much. If you want to ban me from your site, A2 (not that I've ever even been to your site, if you even have one) then feel free. But unless the siteowner decides to ban me, I have as much right to be here as you do.

    I may be a troll, but I'm your troll siteowner. You should stick up for me.

  6. I stick up for anybody who thinks out their position, whether it agrees with me or not. Mindless drivel, however, is not received so well. A2 has the right to say what he does as well as you do. I only delete if what is said is completely anti-American (such as ones that I have had in support of radical Islamic terrorism) and gratuitous profanity. Otherwise, I get a kick out of watching you guys act like petulent children. Besides, mudkitty, and this is a compliment, at least you are willing to check out what the other side says. I go to liberal and centrist sites every once in a while. Granted, it is usually for fuel for a post, but a lot can be said for those that visit sites outside their political beliefs. Thing is, aside from the name calling, I most often agree with everything that A2 says, so I don't think hand slaps are in order just yet. And hey, if I haven't deleted any of Rick and Kathy's junk, and they make you look like Rush Limbaugh, then you are fine with me. Keep trolling, and keep enjoying other sites. Just remember that the locals don't always resort to only barking.

  7. Anonymous8:12 AM

    The worst thing I've ever called anybody here on this site is silly. The same can't be said for the posters with whom you agree.

    My point of view is hardly mindless drivel, but if it makes you think you've scored points in your argument by saying so, then well, all you want is an amen chorus. Which is fine. I just think it's unAmerican not to stick up for someone who's character is being attacked because of a difference in political viewpoints. If anything, I'm the underdog here, and most real Americans stick up for the underdog, regardless of party, race, religion, etc...

  8. I've ignored you, mudkitty, until you made a snide comment about a photo of some of our soldiers praying in Iraq which Doug posted a while back. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    You are like litter because you troll sites and say worthless SILLY comments which you cannot even substantiate, let alone spell or write correctly.

    I don't give a rat's a** what you call me or think of me. But when you start mocking our soldiers who are fighting a war to keep ungrateful, rude, STUPID people like yourself safe from harm I tend to go ballistic. What do you think will happen when you make insulting comments? Everyone should just stand there and take it from you? When someone hits you back you start whining about civility and invoking Christian principle - what a whiner you are!

    So don't give me that bullsh*t about having a proper debate. You came here and to other sites (where I know you've been banned) just to stir up trouble. Well, be prepared to take what's being handed back to you, crybaby.

  9. A2, let mudkitty leave her harmless comments. Oh, please continue to debate her. Her remarks gives us a reason to debate, and reminds us of how the left is unable to argue specifics. Nonetheless, I am not going to defend her point of view, but I will defend her right to free speech on my site as long as it does not cross the line. If I were to ban her I would be no different than the left that says that they believe in free speech, just as long as it agrees with them. Cases in point, Rosie, Oprah, Kerry, Columbia University. . . I have to admit that a couple times she has danced near that line that I don't want her to cross, but she never actually crosses it. Besides, even with her stirring up trouble, it sure makes commenting interesting, doesn't it?

  10. Anonymous7:54 AM

    A2 - you keep "threatening" to going to ignore me. Well, go ahead. Why dontcha do it?

    No I didn't make any snide comment about a picture of soldiers, and I never would. You can't even site it. My father was a vet in a war he didn't quite understand (Korea) and I have nothing but respect for those who risk their lives (even when it is over a lie.)

    If you don't give a rats ass, why all the posting and profanity. You obviously DO give a rats ass. How can we trust you to say what you mean, if you pretend not to give a "rats ass," all the while posting furiously?


    Thank you Mr. Gibbs. I think you are being very fair. I am careful not to use extreme insults, nor profanity (or what is generally considered profanity.)

    I could go to the numerous lib web sites, and I have, and I do. But after a while, the amen chorus, and the "your so right" "no, you're so right" thing, does get boring, I agree.
