Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hillary positioning herself for 2008

After reading an article tonight about Chavez winning his re-election in Venezuela (proclaiming it to be just another step in the direction of success for the socialist revolution), I came across an article at reporting that Hillary Clinton is worried about Barack Obama's surge in popularity, and she is secretly contacting high-ranking Democrats and informing them of her 2008 intentions in regards to a run for the presidency.

Last week the New York Post reported that Clinton's campaign team began recruiting staffers for her 2008 bid for the presidency.

Though we've all realized that Hillary Clinton was planning to run in 2008, despite the fact that she's already served two terms through her husband, Bill, it is surprising that she has jumped the gun a little early rather than reserve her active steps toward a presidential bid until January. Nonetheless, Barack Obama's popularity has grown to a point that Hillary sees him as a serious obstacle.

Watch for her to pretend to be a little moderate and hide her far left side so that the swing voters will remain in her corner. In fact, I think that the newly elected Congress will do the same, riding the fence, until a Democrat reaches the White House. Then, the far left fireworks will ignite.

However, as gloomy as it may seem, as long as the Democrats remain wimps in the face of Iraq, and if Maliki gets his head out of his rear and gets tough and squashes the violence in Baghdad and surrounding areas, the Democrats will never be able to deal from any position of power. Stability in Iraq will equal success in Iraq, and only make the Republicans gain favor with the unsure moderate voters.

If Syria, Iran, and Osama bin Laden continue to feed the violence in Iraq, and Iraq's Prime Minister continues to take a weak stance against the senseless battle between the two Islamic religious factions, Democratic popularity will continue to rise, and the end result could very well be the election of the first woman to the presidency in American History.

Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Oh, by the way, on a happier note, I had the opportunity to witness a fantastic production tonight. Handel's "The Messiah" was performed at a local church, and our own Prying1 was one of the singers in the choir. Great show. A performance I would expect to experience at a performing arts center. Prying1's site owner is a stand-up guy, as well. I feel priviledged to have met him.


  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Hillary in 2008. Heavy sigh.

    Well, I guess things always get worse before they can get better.

    We'll just have to fasten our seatbelts and get ready for a bumpy ride... and remember that it's the Lord who's in charge, above all else!

  2. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Hillary carries so much baggage but I can see the ultra liberals loving her and supporting her lean to the right. They know, althought the dupes in the middle don't, that whatever she says between now and the election is baloney. Most will not rail against her or if they do it will be for show. The lefties will still vote for her.

    Our job, If we decide to take it, is to reveal Hillary for what she really is. A socialist willing to lie to achieve power. The only people that need to have this drummed into their mushy little heads are the 'undecided' middle.

  3. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Oh - Got so excited about the beginning part of this post I forgot to say, "You and your's really blessed me and mine by coming to the Messiah performance. I knew you would love it. Great to meet a fellow blogger in person and sensing the kinship of Spirit that our relationship with Jesus provides.

  4. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Hillary's Comet!

  5. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Please rightwingers, please, keep distracting yourselves with this nonsense. I beg you to keep doing what you're doing.

    That said. Hillary will be the vice-presidential candidate. This is the true insider info. Please note that you heard it here first.

  6. One of the Liberal refrains is the Right is so "afraid" of terrorists....

    I don't know that many of us are. What scares me more than anything is the though of Hillary as President.

    The msm will aid her "moderate" appearance, but the party with two years of majority status in front of them will have to play it all close to the heart...good luck to that

  7. Did you see that in your crystal ball Kitty?

  8. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Hi Jenn, yes. Absolutly. In order to run for vice president, you've got to run for president.

    Also, don't be sidetracked, rightwingers by Obama. Even Reagan lost the nomination the first time around.

    Who ya got people? Rudy? I think not. On the oposite spectrum...Huckabee? I think not. Gore/Clinton is an unbeatable ticket.

    (I really shouldn't be giving you guys this advance notice.)

  9. And who do the Dems have? Gore/Hillary?

    I think not. Gore would vomit in her lap the first time thay had to sit at a dinner together.

    I know I would.

  10. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Prying, haven't you ever heard the expression that politics makes strange bedfellows? Get used to it.

    I'm sorry you have such a weak stomach, P1.

    And it's the Bush's who are known for throwing up in peoples laps.

  11. I have yet to have dinner with Hillary. Believe me, bedfellows with Hillary I will never be.

  12. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I think Hillary would feel the same about you. What's with the picture of you?

  13. Anonymous7:52 AM

    MY sarcasm?

    Have you seen some of the obsene things I've been called here and on other sites?

  14. Anonymous9:51 PM

    FTFG - don't pretend or be know some of the things I get called, kittylitter, mudpussy, insane, imoral, etc....
