Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Iran's Ahmadinejad defies sanctions

On December 23, 2006, the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 1737, banning the supply of specific nuclear materials and technology to Iran, and freezing the assets of individuals and companies linked to Iran's nuclear program. The resolution also specifies that if Iran fails to suspend nuclear enrichment, further nonmilitary sanctions may follow. The language of the resolution is weaker than that sought by the United States, and was changed in response to Chinese and Russian concerns.

On December 24, 2006, the Khaleej Times reported that Iran announced it will start putting in place 3,000 uranium enriching centrifuges at a key nuclear plant in immediate response to the United Nations sanctions resolution.

This kind of uranium enrichment can be easily diverted to make nuclear weapons. Ahmadinejad desires to be completely nuclearized by March of 2007.

Is this any surprise? Iran isn't worried about any resolution. Ahmadinejad does as he desires, regardless of world opinion. He doesn't understand reasoning. He scoffs at negotiations.

The United Nothing is doing what it does best: Absolutely nothing.

So now the question arises, "What should we do about this?"

Some state that we need to invade Iran. Some say send in the special forces. Others proclaim that we ought to invade Iran's neighbors, putting us up against her from all directions. Regardless of the correct answer, none of which may have been stated, one thing we cannot do is depart from the region. Pulling out of Iraq, now that even the liberals have to recognize the defiance of Iran, would truly be a mistake, and a death sentence for any allies we have in the region, Israel, and eventually The West.


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Invading Iraq was was put us in this quagmire to begin with. Quagmire being something that once you're in it, you can't get out of it.


    That said, I hope you all had a great holiday season (which aint over yet!) I had to catch mice right up to xmas eve, but now I'm able to hang out with my family and friends.

    I missed many of you, and you know who you are. You are all DG's FANS. Big time!

  2. Uh, mudkitty, I know you cannot seem to see past the invasion of Iraq, but Iran has been pursuing nuclear weapons since before we invaded Iraq. If you honestly believe that invading Iraq caused Iran to pursue nuclear weapons, then you need to seek professional help.

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Name one oil producing, middle eastern, country that isn't seeking nuclear powers.

  4. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Uh, apropriatly named Jarhead?

  5. Good point, Mudkitty, but I think the point is that Iran has been one of the front runners in the pursuit for nuclear offensive capabilities for some time. They were even pursuing this dream way back before they had kidnapped and held hostage Americans in 1979. Libya was too, but Reagan put an end to their B.S. real quick. Oops, gotta go, gotta date with a scalpel!

  6. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Name one oil producing, middle eastern, country that isn't seeking nuclear powers.

    how bout two?
    and three?

  7. Name one oil producing, middle eastern, country that isn't seeking nuclear powers.

    I can name one oil producing middle eastern country that is not only seeking nuclear powers, but has also stated it would love to see Israel, U.S. and Britain all vanish off the face of the earth.

    I don't recall any of the other countries sharing that same desire. If you know of any please enlighten us.
