Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Freedom of Speech

I just secured a deal with Wide Awakes Radio to host an internet radio show on that network, which will probably air on Saturday nights beginning in a few weeks. I will also continue to call in when I can on MyPoint Radio, and the Uncooperative Bloggers radio show.

And now that I am a member of the Wide Awakes, I am getting a mess load of e-mail from them. One of the issues bouncing around is the proposed Fairness Doctrine. The last one was in effect until 1987, after which it was eliminated, partly because of the difficulty enforcing it.

Are you kidding me? Air America failed, and NPR (NPR Sucks!) has only a following of socialist freaks, and a few liberal jackasses that don't understand the twisted bull that NPR spreads (I listen to NPR on occasion, when I am in the mood for a good, hardy laugh regarding how idiotic people can really be).

FoxNews (which claims to be fair and balanced, and I feel that they are) has ratings that the other cable news networks drool over. Conservative shows dominate the airwaves (radio and television) because that's what people want to hear. Since liberal talk shows can't seem to succeed, the liberal Congress is going to force the lefties onto Conservative shows, claiming it is in the interest of allowing equal time for opposing points of views. And internet radio may be under fire as well.

Not my show. It will be what I want to say, and that's it. They don't like it? Fine me. Jail me. How dare they desire to take away my Constitutionally protected right to free speech and press.

Freedom of Speech seems to only be applicable if you agree with the libs according to the lefties.

And on top of that garbage, Pelosi wants to force lobbyists to register with the government, and expands the definition of lobbyists to include any church or organization that is seen by them to be striving to influence public opinion. This means that if your church speaks out on major moral and political issues such as partial-birth abortion, same-sex marriage, or a military chaplain's right to pray in a public place, they will be classified as lobbyists (in essence forbidding free speech) and if they don't register they will be criminally prosecuted, giving way to fines up to $100,000 and imprisonment.

The Democrats claim that they support Freedom of Speech, yet are proposing to laws designed to squash that freedom.

I'm telling you right now, they won't silence me. I will be heard. Be loud. Be clear. Demand that the Marxists that call themselves the Democratic Party do not take away our freedoms. Demand your freedom. Demand your rights as Americans.


  1. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Go get 'em Douglas! The double standards of the libs are disgusting (as usual).

    I look forward to listening to your show.

  2. Oops, wrong profile on the last comment.

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Congrats on the radio show...

    According to my reading of the U.S. Constitution, churches are not supposed to be political clearing houses for either party. One would lose their tax free status for that.

    As for lobbyists, they already have to register, they always have in modern times. As well they should. Transparency and accountability in government = truth in politics. What's wrong with that? Like you like to say DG, if you've got nothing to hide...then wouldn't sunshine be the best disinfectant?

  4. Anonymous10:36 AM

    That's alright Jarhead John, your incognitoism is fine with me, no matter which profile you use. :)

    Doug this is great, I am glad to hear that you got your own talk show, you know you really have so much to offer to many people and I really think that this could also help to spur some things for writing about at some time too. Great Job my friend.

  5. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Congrats Doug...good news about the show, and I will listen and call you for sure!!!!

    I can not wait!! Excellent. And you are still a guest on mine. Get me the link and I will post it.

    Good Luck, Buddy!

  6. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Ce ce bon!

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM


    Well Doug mudkitty has a crush on you. But she was close but she spell it wrong it's not Ce ce bon it's Ce se bon.

    Ce se bon (noun. Louisiana Creole term meaning "darling," "sweetie" or "honey." From French "chéri.")

    Ki sa se bon en Nouvu Olean, mon cher! Meaning (It's all good in New Orleans, my darling!)

  8. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I thought it meant, "this is good" although the chances of me spelling it wrong are...?

    I can't even spell "ce" right.
