Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Minority Rules

An extremist group in Australia is calling for Australian Muslims to prepare for jihad against anyone standing in the way of an "Islamic Superstate."

Palestinian Sheik Issam has stated, "If two people are united and a third person comes along and tries to incite disunity, kill him."

The establishment for Khilafah, an Islamic Superstate which would unite the world's Islamic countries (currently numbered at 57), is an Islamic duty. Muslims have been ordered by radical clerics to kill Muslims and non-Muslims who threaten coming Superstate.

Indonesian cleric Ismail Yusanto has called for the sons and daughters of Islam to help build and defend Sharia Law (absolute form of Islam) across the globe, and to prepare for the inevitable war against the Western powers. He also stated that "Sacrifice must be encouraged."

The call for Muslims to obtain military training and prepare for the jihad has gone out. If the capital of the Islamic Superstate (Khilafah) fell and was occupied by the invading forces, the rest of Islam must be involved in an all-out war against the occupiers.

According to Muslim prophecy, the seat of world government is to be in the city of Kufa, Iraq.

During the 1930's, the majority of Germans did not consider themselves to be Nazis. In fact, very few German people were true Nazis. However, many were enjoying the promise of returning German Pride. They figured the Nazis were a bunch of fools, could never do more than make a lot of noise, and resolved to go about their business making lives for themselves, and letting the politicians be the ones to worry about politics.

In the end, the world for those Germans came to a violent end. As the majority sat back and watched, the Nazi Party led Germany into World War II, followed by the destruction of Germany by allied forces, with a great many of those citizens that decided to do nothing winding up in concentration camps before it was all over.

Communist Russia was founded on the principle of peaceful co-habitation. The Russians wished to live in peace in a utopian society where everyone worked together for the state. The Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of over 20 million people.

Chinese Communists, once again the majority of people in that nation desire to live in peace and make no waves, have managed to murder 70 million people.

Japan's majority, before World War II, was not populated by a bunch of sadists poised for global domination. Yet, Japan's minority led the country into murdering and slaughtering its way across southeast Asia systematically murdering 12 million Chinese civilians.

Rwanda is said to have been populated by peace loving citizens, but history tells a story of Rwanda collapsing into a butchery that rivaled Cambodia's killing fields.

Today, it is well understood that a great majority of Muslims wish to live in peace, and shrug off these radical Islamic clerics as a bunch of fools whose threats will amount to nothing. Their tirades about a great Islamic Superstate forged from war and terrorism is just a bunch of meaningless fluff, according to the peace loving Muslim majority. Nobody would ever let it get to that point.

Radical Islam is not much unlike Naziism. Islamic fanatics are rampaging around the planet in the name of Islam, and it is a fact that this minority of violent men currently rules Islam. These fanatics, that are simply a minority of old fools, are all over the news as they wage four dozen or so wars worldwide. It is these fanatics that are systematically slaughtering Christians and tribal groups throughout Africa in an attempt to take over the entire continent. It is these fanatics who practice civil rights violations against women and gays by beheading or stoning them. It was these fanatics that pulled together the resources to fly planes into American structures, killing thousands of Americans, on September 11, 2001.

Peace-loving Muslims are the majority, and for the most part have remained silent. Like their predecessors in Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Rwanda, and so forth, they may find themselves some day in the future under the complete rule of the fanatics, and it will be too late.

The good Muslims are allowing radical Islam to spread across the globe. And we are just as guilty fighting among ourselves and refusing to fully support the effort in the Middle East.

Iraq cannot be abandoned. We have struck the prophesied seat of power for a future fascist Islamic superstate, and we have engaged the enemy in the heart of their homeland. Since our presence, terrorism has not returned to the United States. If we pull out of Iraq, World War II will be nothing more than a jaunt through the park by comparison. Israel will be destroyed, followed shortly by a jihad that will be waged against all nations of the West. Regardless of the reasoning by the current administration for going into the region, and regardless of any errors made in the planning of this conflict, the fact is we are in the region and pulling out would be disastrous.

Makes me wonder if the anti-Christ will be wearing a turban.


Related pieces by fellow, esteemed bloggers:

@ Biga's Rants
@ Right Truth
@ Conservative Sense
@ American and Proud
@ Crush Liberalism
@ Gunz and Ebyjo

This article is also posted at A Right Angle in a Left Turn World


  1. This was a fascinating read Douglas!

    Coming from a Jewish Israeli you may want to take my comments with a grain of salt however I do consider myself to be a open-minded person and this has always been the "program" of Muslims and when they dominated Europe Spain in particular their plan to dominate the world was much more obvious but remained over the years.

    Having studied Mid-East languages and cultures and lived in there for 11 years I can safely say that this is a REAL threat that some of us are not taking seriously enough!!!

  2. Anonymous2:27 PM


    There are a lot of people here that are not taking it seriously enough either.

  3. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Nah Hah Hah huha no way.

    An extremist group in Australia is calling for Australian Muslims to prepare for jihad against anyone standing in the way of an "Islamic Superstate."

    How you handle them.

    Then what you do is you tell those very same extremist group in Australia that if you even try anything like that your going to get mowed down.

  4. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Makes me wonder if the anti-Christ will be wearing a turban.

    Well Doug, if he is, I would send him the same message as above, your going to get mowed down.

  5. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Good grief Charlie Browns! Do you actually realize what you are advocating?

  6. Anonymous7:34 PM


    Why of course, I am advocating protecting the civilized society from a bunch of Extremist Mooselims.

  7. Anonymous8:18 PM

    And Rider, do you realize what you sound like if you substitute nouns and dates?

  8. doug i am confused first of all are you 'night rider' and secondly if so are you having a conversation with yourself?

  9. No, I am not Night Rider, he is a friend of mine that I met through MyPoint Radio and he has visited my site regularly ever since. Rider? Say Hi to Tisha.

  10. Hmmm, but it would be interesting to post comments on my site as a mysterious guest, just to stir the pot. . .Mrs. Pistachio thought that was downright funny, BTW, Tisha, cuz she knows more about Rider, and though he's a friend, we are very different in many ways, though our belief system is very similar.

  11. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Hi Tisha,

    So Tisha you mean that you couldn't tell that I was responding to both the Article and the mudkitty?

    Doug probably knows me a bit, but no one really knows that much about me because I am esoteric only a few very few in a close circle really know anything about me.

    I always appear incognito to any who really know me and to those who don't I can rome about freely with out being noticed.

    In many ways I am quite stealthy.

    Just think of me as a mystery or a undiscovered legend.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I think of Rider as a contradictory character. A very believable contradictory character.

  14. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Hitler was mowed down, along with his/what was considered the most efficient army in history up to then, in less time then the time Bush has spent fighting and occupying Iraq (Iraq, historically being a false construct anyway.)

    How do you "comeback" from 4 years of keystone cop like blunders, in a situation as dire as this? You don't do it by letting the same people responsible for the mess, tell you there's no mess, and then let them try to clean up the mess.

    The newly released National Intelegenc Estimate? How's that workin for ya?

  15. Anonymous9:42 AM


  16. Oh boy Doug you have a lively bunch here!

    Hello Night Rider pleased to make your acquanitance, I think, well at least there won't be a dull moment and so far you have shown yourself to be quite reasonable:)

    Cheerio and happy Superbowl, it won't be showing on Belgian TV boohoo I feel so left out LOL

  17. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I told my husband that the superbowl was called off due to bad weather. But he didn't believe me.
