Monday, January 22, 2007

Roe v. Wade, Border Disease, Jailed Border Agents, and Muslim Activism

Today marks the anniversary of the 1972 ruling that made Abortions legal in the United States of America. Since the legalization of the wholesale slaughter of innocent lives over 40 million unborn lives have been snuffed out. The practice of abortion contradicts Articles I and II of the United States Constitution in the name of the "interpretation", which were written to protect the rights of those who were born in America, or become naturalized citizens. All of this, in the name of "choice". But what if we are killing the very people that would grow up and cure cancer, eradicate AIDS, be the next Einstein or Beethoven? What if our mothers had decided to abort us? I don't know about you, but for me today was a day of mourning. What a sad thing we do when it comes to voluntary abortion, placing our inabilities to live up to our responsibilities over the lives of unborn children.

In South Texas several cases of cysticercosis, which is a rare brain worms disease, has slipped across the border. The disease is normally spread by unsanitary food-handling practices regarding a tapeworm found in pork. Once ingested, the cysts make their way through the body, lodging in the muscles, eyes, brain, or spinal cord. Undiagnosed and untreated, the victim faces inevitable death. The condition is rare in Muslim countries, where eating pork is forbidden, and the United States, where food-handling standards are high. Cysticercosis joins Morgellons Disease as a new mysterious infection on a list of new illnesses spreading throughout South Texas, whose appearances coincide with increase of the flood of illegal aliens crossing the border into the United States. So far more than 100 cases have been reported in Texas. Doctors indicate washing hands, cooking meats thoroughly, and washing fruits and vegetables are the best ways to avoid the disease.

Another disease coming across the border is the fact that 144,000 illegal alien sex offenders are currently in the United States.

Two U.S. Border Patrol agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, have been convicted as criminals for shooting an illegal alien that happened to also be a drug dealer. The gunshots were received by the victim in the rear-end. The Border Patrol Agent's mistake was that knowing they fired outside of established standards (which is that you cannot fire upon any suspect without being fired upon first), they attempted to cover up their actions by collecting the empty shells as the wounded criminal hopped back into Mexico. They are now facing prison time because the drug dealer they were chasing decided to throw an accusation at them, and testify in court against them. They broke the rules of the department, and do need some kind of punishment, I guess, but a possible 10 year sentence for doing their job is a little extreme. What are they supposed to do when a suspect is fleeing? Call out, "Hey, drug dealer, please don't run away!"? The rule they broke needs to be changed, anyway, so that our border patrol agents aren't handcuffed from doing their job, and Bush ought to pardon these men so as to send a message to illegals and drug dealers that we support the men and women that protects our borders, and enforces our immigration laws.

The Fox television show, 24, has made the terrorists on the show Muslim (for the same reason that The Godfather made mafia characters Italian, and why the actors used as a part of the enemy faction in Apocalypse Now were portrayed as Vietnamese). A couple years ago when the terrorists on "24" were portrayed as Muslims, the Muslim community (led by CAIR) went into an uproar, and the show gave in, adding a service announcement explaining to everyone that the show is only fiction and that not all Muslims are terrorists, and followed that up with last season by resorting to making the terrorists for that 24 hour period Russians. Now, 24 has regrown their cajones, and the terrorists are Muslim again, with is historically more accurate considering that the majority of worldwide terrorist attacks have been perpetuated by Muslims. Now CAIR is really pissed. They claim that the show gives an overwhelming impression of fear and hatred for Muslims. I disagree. I think the show gives an overwhelmingly accurate depiction of Muslim terrorists. I think that terror attacks such as 9/11 is what gives people an impression of fear for Muslims. Okay, common sense, folks. Obviously not every Muslim on the planet is a terrorist. But, the majority of terrorists do tend to be Muslims. Maybe Fox should have made the terrorists a bunch of Ricola Horn Blowing Swiss dragging cough drops across the hills, threatening to catapult them into the neighborhoods of Nome, Alaska. Nah, the Eskimo-rights groups would have been all up in arms over that one.

Nobody, however, considered it insensitive when Radical Muslim Groups were seen celebrating the deaths of 13 U.S. Troops in the crash of an Army Black Hawk helicopter in Baghdad.


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    March for Life 2007 Barbara's Public Gallery

    March for Life 2007
    Photos: 79
    Jan 21, 2007 - 22 MB

    Barbara Wrote:As a former radical leftist, I attended many demonstrations in Washington, DC. Now having attended the March for Life two years in a row, I'm amazed at how under-reported the March for Life is - and all too aware of how that under-reporting contributes to the rampant stereotyping of pro-lifers as middle-aged white males. I actually saw very few of those today! What I saw were hundreds of thousands of people willing to brave the cold (DC had its first snow of the winter the night before) to affirm that a baby in the womb is not property to be destroyed, but a person that those committed to human rights must defend. It's a child, not a choice!

    March for Life 2007 Barbara's Public Gallery Photos: 79

    The March for Life was simply massive, bigger than last year. It is hard to estimate the number of participants because it was impossible to see more than about one quarter of the crowd as any one time. We'll publish more information and photos later and link to friends who are covering the March. In the meantime, here are a few images of the 2007 March for Life:

  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    You said it, 99.9% of all terrorists are Muslim these days. It seems only obvious that in "24" the bad guys must be Muslim. I think 24 is doing a service to folks who don't watch the news, read it on the internet, etc. Even folks like that need to understand that there are terrorists living among us, looking like normal folks.

  3. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Man oh man, that's some kitchen sink essay!

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Thanks for a glimpse at the reality of the State of the Union, Douglas. Tonight we'll just get glowing and competing possibilities from both sides. None of which will ever happen, but hey, they like to hear themselves talk.

  5. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I watched the State Of the Union speech on C-Span at their website online and it was the most wonderful thing I have seen and heard, to see both parties come together at times was great it even brought a tear to my eye to see that, to see that they can work together. I think that many times the Polipundents on air both Radio and TV get us all stirred up and angered. So by listening to it this way with out the griping from the polipundents was truly refreshing.

  6. Anonymous5:25 AM

    So all of a sudden you Bushies are interested in bipartisanship? Oh dear! Fancy that! Brings tears to my eyes too...of laughter.

  7. Anonymous8:11 AM

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  8. Anonymous8:31 AM

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  9. Anonymous7:42 PM

