Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Dick Cheney was the Target of a Suicide Bomber in Afghanistan

Late breaking news: Today in Afghanistan a suicide bomber killed 23 people and wounded 20 more in an attempt to assassinate American Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney was unhurt, and was not aware of what the explosion was until The Secret Service advised him about the explosion near the main gate of the U.S. military base.

Cheney visited with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and then departed the country two hours after the blast. The man has nerves of steel.

Although it did not appear that the explosion was a threat to the vice-president, the Taliban claimed responsibility and stated that Cheney was the target. Military officials believe the explosion was not intended to be a threat to Cheney since it was carried out at the gate, which makes me believe this may have been either a dry run, or simply a message that though they cannot get to important American targets at this point, the radicals are capable of getting close.


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    We need a greater concentration of troops on the Afganistan/Packistan borders.

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    My guess would be that the intent was to get Cheney to flee in apparent panic. If the Secret Service had immediately hustled him out of there, cutting his visit short, the bad guys would have used it as PR fodder.

  3. The man has nerves of steel.

    He must have developed them since his days of getting 5, count 'em 5, deferments from service in Vietnam...

    "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service." - Dick Cheney, April 5, 1989

    I do like the title of your post, as contrast to the content;

    Dick Cheney was the Target of a Suicide Bomber in Afghanistan

    Military officials believe the explosion was not intended to be a threat to Cheney

    I mean.. you just can't make up this stuff. It's priceless.

  4. He must have developed them since his days of getting 5, count 'em 5, deferments from service in Vietnam...



  5. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Tom, the title reflects the claims of the Taliban, but military officials are downplaying it for whatever reason. Speculation, I am sure, is wide, but honestly, I think it was either a dry run or a message. But I wasn't there, so of course I could not know for sure - but I am sure you have your own hypothesis - do tell.

  6. Anonymous8:20 PM

    So much for the roach motel theory...

  7. My hypothesis - I have no idea. Either they tried assasination, or they were just trying to send a "see, we can do this no matter what you do" message. It's a toss-up.

  8. It is pretty confusing, who knows. But it is a reminder to all, that whether it is true or just dumb luck VPOTUS happen to be there... they were able to make the claims.

    Those people out there that only want to deal in diplomacy, do these people think the likes of al Qaeda and the Taliban are willing to talk out our problems?

  9. I don't recall anybody advocating diplomacy wtih the likes of Bin Laden or the Taliban.

    Convsersely, we'd like to see them gone.. but our current government doesn't seem capable of that.

  10. Anonymous8:00 AM

    No one is suggesting negotiating with Bin Laden. In fact, why isn't he dead yet? Or at least behind bars?

  11. Iran is a sponsor of terrorism, does the left not want solely talks with Iran? Hmmm?

    What is the difference between the Government of Iran that funds and supplies terrorists, and those that carry out the killing?

  12. Touche? That went from a factually inaccurate assertion (liberals want "diplomacy" with al Qaeda and the Taliban) to "touche"?

    Surely you jest.

    One of ya'll should just humor me one time.. just one comment or one post that isn't a straw man argument. Just one time.. please, I'm asking nicely.

  13. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Silly and inaccurate.
