Saturday, February 17, 2007

In God We Still Trust

Thanks to Gunz at for posting this video and making me aware of it. Visit Gunz and Ebyjo's site. They are true blooded Americans, a veteran and a teacher, who still believes that we are a nation united under God. Also, it is official, Political Pistachio Radio will launch this coming Saturday (at BlogTalk Radio) at 4:00 pm Pacific Time. Listen, enjoy, call in, and tell your friends about it. For those interested, I am in the process of having some bumper stickers made up. When I get them in, I will mail one (or more if you want) out to you, if you want it.


  1. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Saw the vid at Gunz site, excellent!
    I'm glad the Senate voted down the Non-bindig Rez. And look at the news now, ahh the crack down is working!
    Now they are going after funding for our troops?
    We need to keep up the offensive and crush the resistance now!



  2. Yeah. What a waste of time that resolution was. Ridiculous. Even if it had passed, it would have accomplished absolutely nothing.


  3. Come now, posing is accomplishing something, isn't it? (sarcasm=OFF)

    I wonder if they counted that in their never-ending "100 hours" list?

    Great vid, Doug.

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM


    Appreciate the 'plug' Doug. I'm still working on the sidebar over there. Before the day's out I'll get your Radio logo in there and will definately listen. Maybe call in at some point.

    Semper Fi.

    Yes I'll have to have a bumper sticker for sure. I'll send you my address.

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    This Saturday, or next Saturday?
