Monday, April 23, 2007

Birthdays and a question or two.

Runnin' out the door to go to the Angels game (that would be baseball for those that don't know), and it's my birthday, so I'll keep this quick.

Genocide and Darfur seem to be synonomous to each other. The Democrats are crying out "We must go into Darfur with our troops and stop the genocide."

We may do just that.

However, why is it good to go into Darfur to stop the genocide, but a mistake to unseat a violent dictator who had a history of commiting genocide, and the goal to annihilate the Kurds and the Jews in Iraq?

And, will the Democrats suddenly think it's a mistake to go into Darfur the moment the Republicans are all for it?

Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm."


  1. Happy Birthday Doug!

  2. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Happy Birthday, Doug!

    Yes, the hypocrisy of calling for action in Darfur is astounding.

    I keep hearing how we can't get involved in more military action because the military is stretched too thin, yet those calling for action in Darfur seem to conveniently forget that.

  3. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Thanks, all. Angels lost, but I had my wife and my parents with me at the game, which made it spectacular despite the loss. I was telling my wife, "Gosh, I know I'm over the hill, but you know, I remember climbing the hill, and now I'm over the hill, but I don't remember ever being at the top of the hill."

  5. Glad the Angels lost..Happy Bday. Darfur....the first American killed their by a muzzie and we will just leave, so why start. Can't they solve their own probs....Huh!! well cant they! Why are we needed?

  6. Anonymous9:42 AM

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  7. Anonymous10:09 AM

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