Thursday, July 19, 2007

Interview with James Gilmore on PPR, McCain on CQ Radio, a Tragedy in the Bootie Family, Dumb Ox launches inspirational site

James Gilmore's term as Governor of Virginia ended in 2002. He has served as the RNC Chairman, Head of a National Committee on Terrorism, Chairman of the National Council on Readiness and Preparedness, and is a veteran of the U.S. Army. Governor Gilmore recently withdrew from the 2008 Presidential Race, and will be my guest on Political Pistachio Radio this coming Saturday, 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern.

Captain Ed of Captains Quarters today had Senator McCain on his BlogTalk Radio Show, CQ Radio. Check it out. You may not necessarily agree with McCain, but the interview is interesting to say the least.

John Bootie is an independent Presidential Candidate and was my guest last Saturday on Political Pistachio Radio. If you are reading this post prior to July 21st, 2007, then the podcast you are currently listening to is my interview with him. John Bootie and his family needs your prayer. His brother, Robert E. Bootie, passed away last Sunday after being hit by another vehicle on the roadway head-on. He was 55. His wife and child survived, but have been hospitalized. Robert Bootie's wife is currently in a coma, but expected to awaken soon. Robert's son is up and around and currently healing. The family of John Bootie also requests that we extend our prayer to the driver of the other vehicle, as well as her family. The driver of the other vehicle is currently in a coma and near death.

My good friend, Dumb Ox, is launching a new site on July 20th, 2007, and I have been invited to contribute. The new site is Ox. . .After Dark, and it is an honor to be asked to contribute to the site. The blog deals with relationship issues, family, and especially marital and romantic relationships. Fiction, true stories, tips, warnings, and some news will all be a part of this new blog. As a happily married man of 23 years, and a man who holds tight to his good and moral principles fueled by a faith in God, I am thrilled to be able to write a different kind of post. Any how, I actually contribute to a number of sites, but of late my contributions to these other sites have been few and far between due to a busy schedule - but that will change.

So, aside from Ox. . .After Dark, here is a list of the other sites I currently contribute to.

American Pundit
Conservative Crusader
Heading Right
My Point Radio
Pig Dip
Sky Dive Rick

Oh, and one more thing. This hit me today while at work. It seems to me that Liberalism is attempting to make normal immoral and destructive behavior. Just ask Obama who wishes to teach Kindergartners Sex Education, or any number of the members of the Left that wishes to make legal full term abortion, Gay Marriage, Public displays of nudity (tonight on Hannity and Colmes a liberal actually defended the nudity calling it art), and cowering away from the enemy rather than facing them and defending this nation.

By the way, the Congressional sleep-over to pressure Republicans regarding voting for a withdrawal date from Iraq was unsuccessful, as expected.

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