Thursday, September 20, 2007

Boiling Frogs

Have you ever heard that analogy about Creeping Incrementalism?

The story goes that if you place a frog in a pot of warm water, and increase the heat lightly and incrementally, he will never know he is being boiled even after it is too late.

The American Public is like the boiling frog. We have become accustomed to the slowly changing society, to the point that we identify certain aspects as being normal because of the slow and gradual brainwashing we have received.

I like to call it "little things add up."

And the changes have even gotten to the point that if one was to question any of these gradual changes to societal attitude, or the deterioration of moral values, that person is questioned and accused as if he or she is ignorant or intolerant.

We are slowly evolving into a society embracing ideas that have been historically proven to fail, and to accept the slow invasion by enemies that are telling us as they merge into our society that it is their goal to destroy our society as we know it.

Why don't we believe them when they say they wish to destroy America?

Why don't we care about stopping the illegal invasion?

Why are we bending over backward for an enemy that studies a book by a self-proclaimed prophet that is full of violence and judgment as we turn our backs on the conservative principles that have made this nation great?

Why are we defending the enemy and accusing our allies?

This film about Jimmy Carter's War Against The Jews explains the idiocy quite well.

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