Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wrap up of Political Pistachio Radio about College Security, the Delaware State University Shooting, and (eeeek) the battlefield in Iraq?

My guest on the Wednesday Night addition of Political Pistachio Radio was offered to me with the explanation that he was an expert on security on our nation's college campuses and that he was available to discuss the recent shooting at Delaware State University. Great, I thought, I've been wanting to learn more about what is going on with what I perceive as an increase of violence on the college campuses of America.

When I asked John Zmirak, the editor-in-chief of "Choosing the Right College", about the shooting in Delaware, he did not have a clue about what I was saying.

Buzzzzz. Strike One.

When I brought up the stories in the news today about the gunman scare on a Wisconsin University campus, New York's St. Johns rifle toting Bush mask wearing gunman, and a slightly more obscure story in New Hampshire about a deer hunter wandering on to the campus (still unconfirmed with an Internet story), he knew nothing about them either. (as far as links go, I suppose 2 out of 3 ain't so bad!)

Buzzzzz. Strike Two.

When I asked him about security on the college campuses and how it affected violence on the campuses, he knew a little.

Foul tip.

When we began talking about gun control issues, though we didn't see eye to eye completely, he understood the importance of the Second Amendment.

Hit down the line, just foul.

Then the current situation in Iraq was brought up and all heck broke loose.

Buzzzzzz. Strike Three, you're outta there!

Don't get me wrong. I believe that everybody is entitled to their opinion, and not everyone agrees with me completely. The far left will even lie and say that the majority of America is against our presence in Iraq. That must be why Congress's approval rating according to a recent Reuters/Zogby Index is at a paltry 11% (the libs run to the Gallup Poll every time - not that the polls are ever very accurate - I am sure the real number is even lower).

In fact, the man acted as if he had been ganged up on and beaten, hanging up with a shaken voice after Iraq War Veteran Paul Couturier, Phil (the ever present Night Rider), and MDConservative of Conservative Intelligence Report Blog(his blog has some fascinating posts about the rebirth of the USSR, by the way), called in and confronted John regarding his position on Iraq. The guest was visibly (okay, sorry, audibly) shaken, and I regret that it came to that. I tend to be diplomatic and fair, most often in my dealings with people, but I did warn him before the beginning of the show that Political Pistachio Radio is a very conservative show with a very conservative audience. And when the conversation turned to the War on Terror, if he felt uncomfortable talking about it he should have said so, but instead, he decided to essentially quote the Daily KOS talking points, and so the wolves devoured him.

Thank you for joining us tonight, John. No hard feelings, I hope.




Confrontation with the truth will do that to you, I suppose.


On a final note, a good friend of mine is off to deployment overseas - and surprisingly the far left liberals (so far three of them) gave him a good send off (surprised the heck out of me). Keep Rick in your prayers as he returns to the battlefield.

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