Sunday, October 14, 2007

Topsy Turvy World

California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Liberal in Republican Clothing. His activities as Governor, for the most part, embrace liberal positions, and some of it is absolutely insane. Providing yet another puzzle piece for the break-down of traditional families Governor Schwarzenegger has signed into law a bill that outlaws the words Mom, Dad, Husband and Wife in our public schools because such terms are perceived as negative to gays. Whether or not such a move may be offensive to people who value the traditional family was not even considered, apparently.

Meanwhile, a couple of activist gays dressed up as drag queen nuns and attended communion at a Catholic Church, and even gays were upset about it, but not the Democrats. They turn a blind eye to such activities, finding acts such as this, or the Folsom Street Fair and their advertising campaign before the fair, as not demeaning to Christianity.

Okay, message is clear. Society believes that it is offensive for anyone to voice that they feel that homosexuality is immoral, or that their antics are offensive. Heck, it's gotten to the point that even pornography in the neighborhood is fine with the members of our "enlightened" society:

And it seems that burning the American Flag is considered to be protected by the Supreme Court as freedom of speech - but burning a Mexican Flag will get you cited.

In Public Schools the word Christ, or the Christian Cross is banned, but in Britain Kids are being taught about the Muslim Faith and are being given homework assignments that basically celebrate Muslim holidays with Islamic symbology - how long before this begins here in the United States? Well, guess what? The U.S. Government finances bringing the teachings of Islam into American High Schools through aggressive student exchange programs.

And now the new morality has gotten so ridiculous that if a kid uses sidewalk chalk they are immediately fined for being a vandal and graffiti artist.

Oh, and do you remember that General Betray Us ad? Well, guess what? That seems to be just fine in the Liberal Mind, but to post an advertisement critical of is reason enough to be banned by Google.

So let me get this straight: Calling homosexuality a sin is bad, but Homosexuals offending Christianity is fine. Pornography being filmed in residential neighborhoods is acceptable too, apparently. Burning the American Flag is a protected right of free speech, but burning a Mexican Flag is punishable with a citation. Putting a Christian Cross on anything in a public school (or praying to the Christian God for that matter) is bad, but giving kids assignments connected to Islam is fine, and Muslim Prayer in our public schools must be respected, and at the taxpayers expense we will even supply them with their own prayer rooms. Gay Sex in public was okay at the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, but kids drawing with washable chalk on the sidewalk is vandalism. And liberal sites and the liberal media can be critical all they want of what they want, but if an advertisement is critical of a liberal website, Google will be quick to ban the ads.

My, my, what a topsy turvy world we live in.

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