Have you heard? The New York Times has endorsed John McCain. To be honest, when a liberal newspaper that is willing to aid the enemy by releasing American Intelligence information endorses a Republican Candidate, red flags go up. The left has a crush on McCain because they remember when he voted against the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, and they remember that he was a key player in trying to push the Amnesty Program through. Even McCain's mama has admitted that John McCain is getting no support from the conservative base.
But here's the real kicker. . . Open Borders Advocate Juan Hernandez has joined the McCain Campaign - - - that's right, those that wish for our borders to become nothing more than a dotted line on a map are in McCain's corner.
Yes, Romney may be a Mormon, but he is more of a Conservative than McCain will ever be.
Sorry, McCain supporters, I know John is a war hero and all, and I respect him for that, but he is too weak on border security, the economy, and way too chummy with Liberals (like Kennedy and Feingold) to get my vote.
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