Tuesday, February 12, 2008

John McCain and George Soros

George Soros is a name that many on both sides of the aisle recognize. For Conservatives he is the name of that devil with the deep pockets behind the socialization of America and the world. If Liberalism breeds there, more than likely, Soros' checkbook is somewhere attached.

John McCain is the name of a Republican that has taken over the lead for the 2008 Presidential nomination and has many Conservatives befuddled because they do not care to vote for him, but feel that they must because he is still much better than his liberal Democrat counterparts. Not voting for John McCain, the Conservative has reasoned, is like voting for Barack Obama or Hillary Rodham Clinton.

When considering John McCain's left-leaning tendencies, however, it comes to no surprise that he associates with a left-wing donor such as George Soros. In fact, according to a late-breaking World Net Daily article, John McCain has been funded by George Soros since 2001!

This brings back into the limelight McCain's non-paid volunteer, Juan Hernandez. Hernandez is a dual Mexican-U.S. citizen with a "Mexico first" message. It turns out that Juan Hernandez also has a link to George Soros. Juan is employed by Soros' Reform Institute.

In fact, prominent senior officials on the McCain 2008 presidential campaign staff have found well paid positions at Soros' Reform Institute.

And John McCain is the guy we are supposed to vote for to fight against Liberalism?

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