Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Battle as McCain Clinches and Huckabee steps down, and the connections of Obama

Today is being referred to as "Super Tuesday II," but it is hardly super when it comes to the number of states participating. The impact of today, however, more than confirms its "super" status. In fact, rather than Super Tuesday II, a better name may be "The Day of Reckoning."

John McCain, at the time of writing this piece, has been projected to be the winner in Rhode Island, Vermont, Ohio and Texas. As a result, he has clinched the Republican Nomination, and Mike Huckabee has stepped down.

In today's primaries Barack Obama sought a knockout punch against Hillary Clinton. The Clinton camp understands that Hillary desperately needs victories in Texas and Ohio particularly in order to salvage her once overwhelmingly strong candidacy for the Democrat Presidential nomination.

As I write this, Barack Hussein Obama has been projected to win Vermont, and Hillary Rodham Clinton looks to have won Rhode Island. And in the larger states, Ohio is projected to go to Hillary, and Texas remains too close to call.

Of the Democrats I have spoken to of late here in Southern California, most of them say that Hillary Clinton is too polarizing, and that they hope Barack Obama wins the nomination. Of those that did not say they are hoping for an Obama win, there was a strong feeling among them that if Obama wins the nomination, they would be willing to vote for McCain because Obama is too far to the left even for them.

Enter, stage left, Ralph Nader to further split the Democrat vote.

And through it all, John McCain continues to criticize the Democrats for their intention to withdraw the U.S. troops from Iraq, saying, "They say they want to set a date for withdrawal. I tell you, if they did that, my friends, we would be back."

As for myself, I place a lot of importance on a candidates legislative record, and connections. Though John McCain has a history of being a "maverick," I have to admit his voting record as an Arizona Senator is much more appealing than that of Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. In fact, Barack is being christened as the most liberal Senator. Perhaps that is true. From my research I have noticed that since 2004 as the U.S. Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama more often than not simply voted "present." When he did vote, he voted against the confirmation of John Roberts for the Supreme Court, against Samuel Alito (even voting in favor of a filibuster to stall his confirmation), opposed a bill in 2006 that would have denied citizenship or other legal status to illegal immigrants, voted in 2007 against a measure that would have allowed police to question people about their immigration status under certain circumstances, voted in favor of the McCain/Kennedy amnesty plan (of which McCain angered conservatives), voted for an act last October that would have allowed illegal aliens who became legal residents through amnesty to qualify for lower in-state tuition rates at state universities, voted against a 2006 bill that would prohibit the transportation of a minor girl across state lines to get an abortion if this would circumvent parental consent, voted against a bill extending the cuts in capital gains and dividends tax rates that Congress enacted in 2003, voted against the repeal of the tax on inherited wealth (double taxation), and then contradicted his votes when in June of 2006 he voted against a bill that would have required President Bush to withdraw most U.S. troops from Iraq by July 1, 2007, and then last September he joined 27 other Democrats in voting for a bill ordering Bush to begin withdrawing most American forces within 90 days. Obama now is proposing a bill called the Global Poverty Act that essentially taxes the United States for being prosperous, and would cost us 0.7% of our gross national product.

So what about his connections?

There has been a number of articles claiming that Barack Hussein Obama was born of a Muslim father, and there is even a rumor that, like Ellison, he will place his hand on a Quran to take his oath of office. Though these rumors are disconcerting, there is no solid proof (yet) that his Muslim intentions are true. So, I must settle on what has been proven to be true.

First, I must go with what I have seen with my own eyes. Recently, during the singing of the National Anthem, Barack Obama not only refused to place his hand on his heart, but if you look carefully in the video, he is facing farther to the right and looking downward, meaning he even refused to look at Old Glory.

In February of 2007 Barack Hussein Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth," in an interview with the New York Times. Then Obama recited with a "first class Arabic accent" the opening lines of a Muslim prayer. Now, Obama professes to be a Christian (and technically, that shouldn't matter because though I disagree with the idea of the Separation of Church and State as the Liberal Left professes it to be, it do believe that from a Constitutional standpoint there can be no religious litmus tests for office), specifically he claims to be a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. This church, however, espouses its non-negotiable committment to Africa that is essentially a theological version of the Black Power movement, and essentially places their allegiance to Africa before the United States of America. And one of the church's heroes is Minister Louis Farrakhan of The Nation of Islam, whose slurs against Jews are well known.

Obama eventually did denounce Farrakhan, but what about his pastor who thinks Farrakhan is an American Hero?

Obama is now calling his vote to help save the life of Terrie Schiavo his "biggest mistake," has now been considered a target of the Rezko investigation, has a wife that has never been proud to be an American until now, is endorsed by American Muslims as well as Marxist revolutionary Daniel Ortega, backs a Taliban Supporter in Kenya, has cited as his friend and mentor Frank Marshall Davis who is a member of the old Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA, has ties to a former leader of the violent left-wing activist group the Weather Underground, has essentially been caught cheating with all of his plagiarism, Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farakhan calls Obama the "hope of the entire world," Obama knowingly worked with a confessed domestic terrorist as a paid director, desires to further handcuff the intelligence community in their programs to protect us from terrorism, and has suggested numerous tax hikes.

Facts are clear. Obama is not the best man for the job of Commander in Chief, nor is Hillary Clinton. As much difficulty as I have in admitting it, due to my past disagreements with many of McCain's positions and legislative bungles, John McCain is the best man for the job.

In the words of Atlas Shrugs when she was on my radio show, "John McCain, because the alternative is unthinkable."

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