Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Liberal Left Tactics in regards to Proposition 8, California Marriage Protection Amendment

The Democratic National Committee, true to form, is working to foil the campaign to protect marriage in California. After contributing $25,000 to "Equality for All" for the primary purpose of opposing the proposed California marriage protection amendment, the Secretary of State's office in Sacramento (headed by staunch Democrat Debra Bowen) has decided to change the description of Proposition 8 in the ballot pamphlets.

The proposed change in the wording is supposed to reflect the May 15 California Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay marriage in California (even though the Courts are not supposed to be legislating from the bench). The old wording said that the initiative is designed to limit marriage to be between a man and a woman. The new wording says that the proposed constitutional change will "eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry," and adds, "California could lose several tens of millions of dollars in sales tax if same-sex marriage were banned."

Not only is it no surprise that the Democrats would use such low tactics, but it is further proof that the Democrats are slipping further outside mainstream America. By advocating legalizing gay marriage they are going against the majority of Americans, who support a traditional historic definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman.

Further more, by donating $25,000 to a radical pro-gay organization, they are actually promoting homosexual marriage, and are alienating a group of people that they are trying to court now as voters, specifically "values voters" and Evangelicals.

Despite all of their attempts to stop it, however, the proposition has remained on the ballot. If it passes in November, the May 15 California Supreme Court ruling will be null and void, and marriage will be defined in California as being between one man and one woman.

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