Sunday, September 14, 2008

First Hand Account of Hurricane Ike on Political Pistachio Radio

Tonight on Political Pistachio Radio, realizing the tragedies of Hurricane Ike and the Metrolink Crashes in California (Chatsworth, and a half hour later in Corona) had happened shortly after the anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11, I decided tonight to have a show called "The Face of Tragedy." There are those that come through tragedy as victims, and sit and wait for the government to do something about it more often than not; and there are those that come through the storms of life as stronger and more optimistic people. Regardless of the type of tribulation we face, it is also important to remember that the storms of life are temporary. With optimism and hard work the light at the end of the tunnel, which sometimes seems so far away, can be reached.

On the program, after a short monologue about how to endure the storms of life, I told my testimony. I recounted the story about the night I died, and by the grace of God, survived. The tale was to illustrate the point about the temporary nature of the storms we face in life, and how sometimes these difficult times can strike without warning.

Then I received a call from a regular listener of the program, Dean Philpot of Big Oil Fields dot com. Dean resides on the north side of Houston, Texas. The eye of the storm passed through his town, and Ike was still at hurricane strength when it did.

Dean is currently without power and landline phone service, and actually called into the broadcast on his cell phone so that he could listen to tonight's show. When I pulled him up, he explained he had just survived Hurricane Ike, and was kind of perturbed because his ice had melted so he had to throw away his grocery items in the house. He then gave us, on the program, a first hand account of braving Hurricane Ike.

To listen to the entire episode, you can access the archived audio at Blog Talk Radio.

And Dean?

Enjoy the stars tonight. . .

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