Thursday, September 04, 2008

McCain's Speech at the Convention, Reaction to Palin's Speech

On Political Pistachio Radio tonight we broadcast live John McCain's speech at the Republican National Convention. After the speech we provided conservative commentary on the speech. I was struck by the speech's theme that proclaimed McCain to be a servant of the people. He considers it a privilege to serve in Washington, and wishes to hold the politicians in Washington accountable. Listen to the audio of the speech by John McCain, and the commentary by me and a few of my listeners: HERE.

As for the Democratic response to Sarah Palin's speech last night, it seems to me that if Palin was a Democrat they would be championing her small town rise to become the most popular governor in the country, and would hail her as a champion of women's rights being that she is a woman that has achieved all of this political notoriety without an ex-president husband or a silver spoon shoved in her mouth. Instead, however, the Left is gritting its teeth over Sarah Palin. They know that this conservative that is sometimes being compared to Ronald Reagan is trouble for them and they don't understand why. They don't get it.

The left has attacked Sarah Palin for her inexperience while the man that is at the top of their ticket has even less experience than her, and no executive experience as a leader. Sarah Palin is being attacked for pursuing her political career with a special needs child at home while those accusing her of this are the same folks that have pushed for abortion (and would have aborted their baby had they been in Palin's place) and who have pushed women to be in the workplace as the children at home become latch-key kids. Sarah Palin is being accused of being a secessionist because of a single speech she gave, while Obama spent over twenty years attending a church headed by an anti-American preacher, and while Obama called Frank Marshall Davis his mentor when the man was a well known communist bent on bringing down American Society.

The hypocrisy of the Left, and the baseless attacks from the leftwing media, on Sarah Palin disgusts me. Rather than recognizing Palin's speech last night for what it was (phenomenal), they are grasping for more straws in a mad scramble to discredit her before she becomes too popular.

After listening to Palin's speech last night, I am excited about this ticket, and no longer feel like I need to hold my nose to vote for the Republican offering for President and Vice President of the United States of America.

If Ronald Reagan could see this ticket, he'd be looking down upon us smiling.


Here is video of McCain's Full Republican National Convention Speech

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