Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Who Lives More Lavishly? Obama? Or McCain?

Recently, a particular liberal asked me this in an e-mail:

Doug... who would you guess spends more for luxury living - Michelle Obama for one lobster dinner, or John McCain, with SEVEN houses?

I understand why he asked. Conservatives have been making a big deal about Obama and Michelle's luxury living while claiming they are for the little guy, and wants to punish the rich with higher taxes.

But in the end, my response was, Who Cares?

Specifically, this is my e-mail response to that question:

When did I ever accuse anyone of being this or that due to luxury living? Besides, I have two homes, and I hardly live luxuriously. Besides, who cares? They succeeded, they are entitled to their lobster dinners and many homes. It is called success, and I am glad I live in a country where success is an opportunity that anyone can pursue.

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