Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mankind's God Complex

It is interesting how humanity is constantly striving to become god-like. This is nothing new. In the biblical story of the Garden of Eden the temptation by the serpent offered that by eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge Adam and Eve would become more like God because they would gain the knowledge of right and wrong, thus giving them the knowledge of things God understood that, up to that point, they did not comprehend.

In reality, in the story of Adam and Eve, the serpent did not lie to the first humans. They did not need to be lied to in order for the deception to take place. The truth only had to be presented in a way to elicit a certain response, or action. It was an enticement to become more like God. Who wouldn't want that?

The whole point of the Tree of Knowledge was obedience, but most folks miss the whole point.

One thing is for sure, however. Mankind has always strived to be more like God.

In today's society the key word for this constant human struggle to be more like God is "Spirituality." Some claim we are heading into a new age of enlightenment where the next step in human evolution is about to be upon us. Others say humans are multi-dimensional beings, and our dreams are actually contact by ourselves in other dimensions. One person once told me, for example, that if we dream we are flying it may mean that we are a bird in another dimension.

But these same people find a Judeo-Christian God something too difficult to believe in.

There are also those that believe in the power of the mind, and that the human mind is so powerful it is in complete tune with the rest of the body in ways that could lead to miracles. This may be a belief that stems from a story about Sigmund Freud in which he dreamed about having cancer, he interpreted the dream as something else, failing to recognize the opportunity to cure himself. He then subsequently died of the very cancer he dreamed he had. Some believe it was the cancer cells communicating with him, warning him.

I am not saying that dreams are random brain sequences, there may be a meaning to some dreams. Dreams, after all, played a significant role in many stories in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. But once again, deception does not have to be a complete lie.

But to stay on point, the whole idea that humanity is progressing to perfection is a product of the Theory of Evolution. This movement, coincidentally, is populated by people who are also anti-Christian. The idea of progression to perfection is hardly compatible with the Biblical idea that we are all sinners and unworthy of God's love.

Progression to perfection makes sense on the surface. After all, we seem to become more advanced as a species with each generation. Our understanding of the world, and universe around us, increases with the passing of each cycle. So, with such constant progression, it would seem logical that eventually we will progress to a god-like state. And with that kind of thinking, it would seem that since Christians are diametrically opposed to such a human-centered ideology, those that support progressivism would see it as a necessity to eliminate the obstacle to human advancement towards perfection. Specifically, Christianity, and religion as a whole, would be seen as a hindrance to humanity's evolution - especially those that dare to believe in a Christian God.

But are we truly progressing?

In science there is the Second Law of Thermodynamics which says in the most simplistic terms that whenever something is left alone it will have the tendency to move toward a condition of chaos, rather than order. In other words, disorder always increases with time. Progressive evolution, however, proclaims the opposite. The liberal idea of human evolution progressing toward perfection is essentially saying that our species is moving from chaos to order. But if naturally we tend to go from order to chaos, isn't the idea of progression toward perfection in complete opposition to the logic of science?

For that matter, isn't the entire theory of Evolution itself in direct opposition to entropy? And if we are indeed moving from order to chaos as physics would profess, how did things begin in a state of order in the first place?

For many, the logical conclusion is that there was a creator, a designer, a blueprinter, who set everything in motion in perfect order. However, since that creation, we have been slowly progressing, or should I say "regressing," toward a state of chaos. Toward confusion. Toward disorder.

Anarchy, when standards and morals and order are abandoned, is often the result of such a deterioration.

Without order, without standards, humanity has the tendency to do the wrong thing - "naturally" the wrong thing.

The natural tendency of humans to do the wrong thing is confirmed, from a Christian standpoint, in the New Testament Book of Romans. Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Humanity, however, does not want to accept that. Humanity does not desire to accept the fact that we are a flawed being headed towards catastrophe should we abandon the standards of order given to us in the form of Godly morals and principles. We would prefer, it seems, to be arrogant and believe that we are able to move in the opposite direction of nature, move in the opposite direction of science, and move in the opposite direction of common sense - that we are somehow progressing toward perfection, and a god-like state, in an opportunity as a species to be, well, more like God.

As a species we have become so dead-set on our evolution toward perfection that agendas have been created to ensure it happens. These political agendas are designed to control you, herd you, and point you in the direction of progressivism - as San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom would say, "Whether you like it, or not."

But as I said earlier, there is only one thing that stands in the way of this agenda: Religion - and more often than not, Christianity. In order to become more like God, they must eliminate the belief in the true God. In a sense, the secular humanists are attempting to eliminate the competition.

And for those of you that are religious, but are not necessarily Christian, understand this: The desire of the liberal left secular humanists to eliminate, subdue, or control Christianity will not stop at Christianity. You, my friends, will be next.

The fate of one will eventually become the fate of all.

Secular Humanism, the religion of humanity, is on the rise. The agenda? Perfection. Order. And the elimination of anybody that gets in the way.

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