Friday, January 16, 2009

Congressional Democrat's Own Stimulus Package

The Congress has beat Obama to the punch with their own stimulus package. Spending, spending, and a little more spending. Of course deficit spending was horrendous when Republicans did it, but suddenly it is fine with the Democrats now that it is them doing it? And those tax breaks they are promising are hardly such, since most of the people receiving them don't pay taxes. They are more like . . . welfare checks.

And where is this money coming from?

You are going to pay for it, not just in taxes, but a collapsed economy destroyed by the fiat money being used by an overpowering governmental body that is hungry for power, and one that cares less about the U.S. Constitution.

Of course, while they are at screwing us with this stimulus package, they are also going to soak the top earners - - - you know, the people that run the businesses and manufacture products in this country.

Of course Obama says he wants to grow the economy from the bottom up. So answer me a question: have you ever seen anyone in the lower income bracket create jobs?

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