Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Losing Objectivity

When you love someone, you lose objectivity. When the neighbor kid does something wrong, he's a bad kid - but if it is your child, there are all of these benevolent reasons for his actions. Barack Obama is that kid that can do no wrong.

Have you ever seen in the news when a young man is in court for murder, or another crime, and the camera flashes to the parents and they are defending the child to the end, even in the face of insurmountable evidence? If it was my child, I am sure I would do the same. When it comes to one's child a parent's love is immense.

Sometimes, however, that love is so great that the parent loses all objectivity to the point that it could be dangerous - for the health of that child. The child begins to believe they can do no wrong. They don't believe there is any consequences for their actions. They go through life believing that everything that happens to them is always somebody else's fault.

Perhaps a teenager attends a party, a party with people he or she would not normally be around (or maybe people they hang around in secret), and it gets them into trouble. It couldn't possibly be the teen's fault, right? How could it be their fault? Even though they decided to be in a place they shouldn't be in, around people they shouldn't be around, it couldn't possibly be on them, right?

I remember when I was a kid my dad used to tell me that the best way to stay out of trouble is not to put yourself into the position that will get you into trouble in the first place.

That was very good advice.

Sometimes people tend to be attracted to that kind of trouble, and that kind of company.

Often the company a person keeps is a tell-tale sign of what the heart of that person truly is.

A young man, your son perhaps, may call you sir, or ma'am. He may look you in the eye when he shakes your hand. He may play a good game. Little do you know that deep in the recesses of his pocket is a baggie of marijuana, or coke, or what-not, and that when nobody is looking he is hanging out with the "bad crowd."

Maybe while you are looking you notice he is hanging out with the wrong people, but you shrug it off. "Hey," you say, "kids will be kids. It's not like he's always hanging out with those bad kids, he just knows them as acquaintances. And then when those people he associates with gets into trouble, he assures everyone that although he knew them, it's not like he hung out with them. He knew of them, he bumped into them a few times. It's not like he was friends-friends with them. And then my-my-my, how surprised you are, when this young man grows older and rather than learning through the consequences of his actions, he becomes a manipulator, a legend in his own mind, and eventually, possibly, a criminal, or something more sinister. If only you had recognized this based on the company he was keeping, the clues in his body language, the words he spoke. But see, you loved him so much, you thought the world of him, you thought so highly of him because you love him. But you failed to recognize the signs.

Barack Obama is that loved son. His adoring fans, the Democratic Party, and the hapless Obama voters, are that parent that sees no wrong.

Obama has no experience, but who cares, right? He'll just learn on the job. We love him, we know he can do it.

He's been hanging out with Reverend Wright, and Tony Rezko, and Bill Ayers - everyone around him like Blagojevich and Richardson are steeped in controversy and scandal. Oh, yeah, but he wasn't really friends-friends with them, he wasn't really-really talking to them. But Obama comes from the Chicago political scene which is soaked in corruption. Oh, but yeah, I know, being around that cess-pool and being dunked in it early in his political career doesn't mean that any of the "cess" from the cess-pool stuck to him, right?

When Barack Obama says things he doesn't really, truly, answer any questions, because he couldn't possibly do anything wrong - he's not pro-choice or pro-life, he's a little bit of both. He's not a Christian or a non-Christian, he's a tad of each. He's not in support of the fundamental definition of marriage being between a man and a woman, or is he in support of the gay agenda - he's a little bit of both. He's not a fiscal conservative, or a fiscal liberal - he'll spend like a drunken liberal, yet you'll get your taxes cut - he's a little bit of both. He's not really an anti-war candidate. After all, he's willing to get tough in Afghanistan, and even attack Pakistan if he has to. But he wants us out of Iraq as soon as possible because war is bad. Well, okay, in 16 months or so, even though he began his campaign proclaiming he wanted immediate withdrawal from the region. I suppose even in war, he's a little bit of both.

Maybe I should rename Obama "A Little Bit of Both."

He reminds me of that commercial, the one where the customer wants their bagel toasted and untoasted at the same time. To have the bagel both ways is not possible. Oh, but with Obama it is. Apparently, he knows how to be a little bit of both.

If his teenage daughter was to become pregnant, it would be a mistake, a punishment - wasn't it him that said he wouldn't want his daughter punished with a child? And when a botched abortion is gasping for survival laying on a table, he voted against legislation that would provide medical care to that baby, because Obama would rather that child die on that table because it was originally intended to be put to death by abortion. But, as he said with Rick Warren in that debate at Saddleback Church, he dislikes abortion, and the abortion numbers are coming down, and he is very happy about that. That, he said, is what he is working toward. Oh, wait, there he goes again! He's a little bit of both!

He's a little bit of both with everything.

He's change, and no change. His entire platform was on change. Yet his entire administration, well, nearly entire, is full of Clintonites, Clintonistas, Clinton holdovers from Bill's presidency.

Even hope is something he is a little bit a both of. The campaign was all about hope and change. Hope was one of the main ingredients of his campaign. Yet, there is no hope in the economic situation. He said so himself. We are in for some hard times. Heck, listening to him during the campaign, I was thinking that suddenly everything was supposed to magically improve the day he took office, the economy was going to suddenly improve just because of the improved outlook caused by the messiah becoming president. Hmmm, even with hope, he's a little bit of both.

And the Obama voters, and the Obama Democrats, and the rest of the lefties, don't call him on it - because they love him. Their love has made them subjective. They have lost their objectivity. Their love has rendered them incapable of recognizing his inconsistencies, his uncanny ability to offer no specifics because he stands for nothing, and his dubious connections with people like Rezko, Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Blagojevich.

Yes, Obama is like that kid of the street, the one whose parents let him run wild. He does everything wrong, he hangs out with the wrong people, but when he's around mom and dad, he plasters on that great big smile, looks you in the eye when he shakes your hand, and makes you feel good about him down to your soul, because you love him - and he can do no wrong.

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