Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Love or Hate? The burning house of the gay behavioral fetish.

I saw a bumper sticker the other day on the road while driving my big rig on the Southern California freeways, and it read, "Stop The Hate, Repeal 8." The bumper sticker was referencing Proposition 8, which, Constitutionally defines marriage as between a man and a woman in California. In plain language, what it was saying is that anyone that believes the definition of marriage should be between a man and a woman is guilty of "hate." Specifically, it is somehow "hate" against people who exhibit the homosexual behavioral fetish whenever anyone has an opinion and disagrees with that lifestyle.

That's not hate. Where these people get "hate" from, out of that, I don't know.

Well, actually, I think I do know where they get it from, but convincing someone that what they are doing is wrong, in this case, to them, is "hate."

For those that believe that the gay lifestyle is immoral behavior, in the eyes of the gay agenda, are wrong for believing that homosexuality is wrong. The gays, in the hopes of justifying their fetish, are trying to convince everyone that their behavior is a genetically affected behavior, and that it is somehow normal for them to feel the way they do. They are trying to equate this with someone having red hair, or being born with freckles, or with being of a particular race, or what not.

When it comes to "hate," "hate" is a very strong word. It is being thrown around loosely, like many other words, in the hopes of getting enough people so afraid of being accused of being haters that they just say, "ah, okay, you can have your queer intrusion on the sanctity of marriage." But really, the meaning of the word "hate" is being diluted.

Also, I don't see how warning someone that they are participating in a dangerous behavior is "hate." In reality, I see that as "love."

If I had a friend, or family member, that was a drug addict, for example, and I produced a warning that essentially said, "Your behavior is dangerous to yourself, to those around you, and to society as a whole," I am not "hating" that person. I am warning them out of love. I am letting them know from my heart.

Now we have people who engage in dangerous sexual behavior, and lifestyles, who are saying that by you warning them about their behavior, by you telling them that the death rate among homosexuals is higher than that of the death rate of heterosexuals, by you saying that the likelihood that they will attract sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS, rises due to their behavior, by your claim that the damage to their body due to their behavior increases, by you telling them that their lifestyle in reality is counter-productive to society, and sends a bad signal to our children, especially for those of us that disagree with that lifestyle, and would like, instead, to teach our children that homosexuality is an unsafe lifestyle, not even to mention how this deteriorates the standards of right and wrong, which is now beginning to affect morality all across the spectrum - they are saying that you are putting out hate. That is not hate. That is love.

I don't wish that homosexuals should die. I don't wish that they should have a separation from God. But I do recognize that their activities and behavioral fetish will do exactly those things, and more.

They are essentially in a burning house, I am trying to warn them that their house is burning to the ground, and they need to take action to escape the burning house and save themselves, and they are calling me a "hater" as I run to get the hose to help them extinguish the flames.

I have never understood that mentality, and in my love, I am sorry to see that it is that way.

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