Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama, and his friends, not doing so well - Bad President, bad bad prez. . .

Timothy F. Geithner has been confirmed as Treasury Secretary - hmmm, just the guy we need to run the IRS. . . a guy known to run from the IRS, not pay his taxes, and then say, "Oops, my bad." Wow, Obama, you can sure pick 'em.

In typical, arrogant, liberal fashion, Blagojevich can't be bothered by a pesky impeachment trial - he's hitting the television interview circuit instead.

Obama's approval rating is at 68% after only a week in office. But wait, wasn't his approval rating 83% before he took office, while he was doing absolutely nothing? Heck, that is a 15% drop in only a week. He is only in office one week and the messiah's approval rating is plummeting! Just wait until his presidency really gets into swing, his new programs take hold of our economy, and everything goes to hell! Question is, when Obama starts screwing up the nation, will the media report it?

And speaking of arrogance, while bickering with a few Republicans, Obama reminded them, "I won." Yes, Obama, you did. I know that it is so unbelievable that the American people fell for your crap that even you don't believe it, but are you so entranced with yourself that you have to tell everyone you won? Or was it a statement of arrogance that was basically uttered as if to say, "Shut up, you lost, you're screwed, I'm gonna run this country into the ground if I like."

Finally, Obama seems to think that man-made Global Warming is real, despite the fact that the evidence concludes otherwise, as we experience one of the coldest winters on record, and after 650 scientists descended on the Poland Climate Change talks with the message that man-made Global Warming is a hoax. Do you think Obama will ever admit he's wrong? Of course not. Arrogant bastards like him just find a way to blame someone else. So reach deep in your pocket as his eco-plans move into play. And if the news that man-made Global Warming is a sham finally reaches Obama? Hey, Bush, guess what else is your fault!

Oh, and Mr. Obama, since you are placing so much importance on Global Warming, I thought you might want to know that it is last on the list of priorities according to the people.

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