Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Them Greedy Postmasters

The Washington Times headline on Monday read: Postmaster's pay to be probed. Congress, coming off of their "CEOs make too much money and those greedy bastards need to pay for it" binge, under the lead of "No more golden parachutes for you" Obama, had decided to hold a hearing next month into why a postmaster had too big of a pay raise, and was awarded a six-digit incentive bonus last year - and all this happening while the U.S. Postal Service struggles under economic shortfalls.

And to be honest, I am not here to defend irresponsible financial decisions on the part of the Postal Service, nor to defend the irresponsible decisions of CEOs and private businesses. But I find it interesting that they, being the liberal Democrats in the White House and Congress, are on a witch hunt for everyone and anyone who is "greedy" in their eyes, when Congress just recently voted themselves a pay raise, and then after that each of them received a $93,000 a year "petty cash" fund to dicker with.

I don't know, it seems a little bit of a double standard, doesn't it? They are hammering people for their greed and arrogance as the arrogant libtards greedily vote themselves into more money via the taxpayer, especially while the economy is teetering and government spending is out of control.

I thought they had a problem with irresponsible financial decisions and deficit spending. . . I guess that only applies when you are anyone other than a Democrat Party Politician.

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