Friday, June 26, 2009

Obama Even Turns Biased MSNBC Against Him - Preventive and Indefinite Detention of Detainees without Trial

Didn't Obama Cammpaign Against What He Is Now Supporting?

The reporter, Rachel Maddow, from MSNBC used to be an Obama fan, but apparently she is having her doubts. . .

Did she use the word "radical" when referring to Obama?

Obama's carefully crafted rhetoric is being recognized. His desire to make his own laws which oppose our Constitution have even caught the attention of the Liberal Left Media.

She even placed Barry Hussein Obama at a lower level than the much hated George W. Bush (shocking). The audacity!

Everything Obama condemned Bush for while campaigning .... HE is now not only doing, BUT HAS INCREASED. He increased our deficit, increased the size of the federal government, increased borrowing from other countries, increased federal spending, increased labor union power, is taking over businesses (move toward nationalization of business), and now is attempting to take over our health care system all in a matter of months.

Obama is even doing things that Leftists accused Bush of doing (though the accusations were false) like desiring jailing people for future crimes, and thought crimes!

His arrogance and willingness to ignore our Constitution is becoming more and more evident. Americans are becoming aware of what he is doing.

Despite this reporter being very liberal, her decision to speak out against Obama may place her job in jeopardy over there at MSNBC. The state-run media doesn't take kindly to dissent. Just ask Conservatives, who have been since labeled as Extremists, and Domestic Terrorists, for daring to have an opinion that opposes the Left.

Maybe Obama has seen intelligence reports that scared the crap out of him, and he is realizing the Threat of Islamism is real?

Or maybe he is a liar like we've been saying all along.

I wonder how long before Obama decides to use preventive detention against Americans?

Will dissent against the great Obamaniac become a capital offense?

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Oh my: Obama drafts executive order to detain terrorists indefinitely without trial - Hot Air, AllahPundit

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