Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Obama Inspector General Firings An Impeachable Offense

How do you impeach a president that is ineligible in the first place?

The first Inspector General fired by President Barack Obama was AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin. The President has fired two others, since then. Walpin was investigating wrongdoing by one of Obama's supporters (a friend of the America Loving Michelle Obama). The other two simply held ideas at odds with the President's. When Barack Obama fired these men, in the manner that he did, he broke the law - a law he co-sponsored last year, as a matter of fact. Breaking the law is an impeachable offense.

Remember the Leftist outcry when George W. Bush fired eight U.S. Attorneys? There wasn't any outcry when Bill Clinton fired all of the U.S. Attorneys (except one) when he was president.

U.S. Attorneys serve the president. Of course, when Bush fired the U.S. Attorneys he was accused of firing them because they dared to have different political opinions than he. The Democrats, in turn, made a federal case out of it, despite the fact that President George W. Bush was well within his rights to fire those U.S. Attorneys.

Obama, in the firing of the Inspector Generals, "was not" well within his rights to perform the firings as he did. In the case of Walpin, he gave him an hour to pack his stuff and get out, giving no reason for the firing, written or verbal. A law that was co-sponsored by Obama last year, H.R. 928 while it was a bill, requires it to be a 30 day process to fire an inspector general, and the United States Congress must be given just cause for the firing, in writing. Neither piece of criteria was followed. After all of the backlash, however, the White House provided the reason for the firing in a letter (too late, law has already been broken). The 30 days portion of the law has still not been followed.

Barack Obama broke the law by not following procedure. He broke the law by breaking a law he was well aware of.

Breaking the law is an impeachable offense.

Norman Eisen, a White House lawyer who is the White House Special Counsel to the President for Ethics and Government Reform called the firing of AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin an act of "political courage." Remember, "ethics" is in the title of this scumbag, and he is calling breaking the law "courageous."

Pretty much sums up the Obama Administration, doesn't it?

Heaven forbid that anyone in the Democratic Party would be willing to call The Messiah, Obama, a law breaker. Blind devotion does that to people. They are sightless when it comes to seeing The Great One doing anything wrong (even though that is pretty much all Barry seems to do - unless, of course, he has his teleprompter handy).

The law Obama broke was a bill passed last year that is a part of Title V of the U.S. Code. Known as the Inspector General Reform Act of 2008, the law amends the Inspector General Act of 1978 to enhance the independence of the Inspectors General, and to create a Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency.

The law specifically states:


(a) Establishments.--Section 3(b) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by striking the second sentence and inserting "If an Inspector General is removed from office or is transferred to another position or location within an establishment, the President shall communicate in writing the reasons for any such removal or transfer to both Houses of Congress, not later than 30 days before the removal or transfer. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a personnel action otherwise authorized by law, other than transfer or removal.".

(b) Designated Federal Entities.--Section 8G(e) of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by striking "shall promptly communicate in writing the reasons for any such removal or transfer to both Houses of the Congress." and inserting "shall communicate in writing the reasons for any such removal or transfer to both Houses of Congress, not later than 30 days before the removal or transfer. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a personnel action otherwise authorized by law, other than transfer or removal.".

Now, reading the law, and understanding what it says, if the Inspector General had broken the law, he could be removed. However, if it is just removing him for the sake of removing him the president has to put it in writing 30 days before the removal, and give the reason for the removal to both Houses of the Congress. That is the law, and Obama broke it.

On top of that, Obama voted for this law last year, and in fact, even co-sponsored it - so he can't claim ignorance like he does with everything else.

Not only did he break the law, he broke his own law.

Feel that tingle up your leg anymore, Chris Matthews?

This hearkens back to when Harry Reid said, regarding the Burris ordeal, "We can do whatever we want to." It is a political arrogance the Left is infected with. The liberal left, now in power, thinks because of its political position they are all somehow above the law.

They really believe they can do whatever they want, and are untouchable regardless of what it is.

The Democrat Party has the assumption that since they are in power they can do whatever they desire. That is how they view politics. It is about power, to them, not about what is best for the United States of America.

The Law, and that pesky little document called the U.S. Constitution, prohibits you, Democrats, from doing whatever you want. Unfortunately, the Left doesn't see the Constitution of the United States as something that needs to be followed, but as something that needs to be gotten around.

So much for Obama being an expert on Constitutional law.

You don't get around the Constitution. The Constitution is to be followed. The law is very inconvenient to politicians. Until somebody calls them on it, they will do what they can to get around it.

The Democrats sort of sound like the Mullahs in Iran, don't they? "What ever we say, whatever we want, and if you don't like it, tough." Like Gavin Newsome, Mayor of San Francisco so fondly says when it comes to the onslaught of the radical gay agenda, "Like it or not. . . "

The Democrats could care less what the Constitution says, what laws are on the books, or what you think as a constituent. They basically are telling the American People they will do what they want, like it or not, with a nasty smirk on their face. It is the epitome of elitism, and dirty politics.

Don't like it? Tough!

And this isn't the first time a president broke the law like this. Andrew Johnson did so, and was impeached for it, holding on to the presidency by one vote.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary


White House: Firing AmeriCorps IG an act of "political courage" - Washington Examiner, Byron York

McCaskill Statement on White House's Reasons for IG Firing - Senator Claire McCaskill Press Release

Harry Reid Says Senators Can ‘Do Whatever We Want To’ Regarding Roland Burris - CNS News, Associated Press

ALG files FOIA Request to get "full truth" about "Walpin-gate" firing - Free Republic/Americans For Limited Government, Bill Wilson

Removal of an inspector - The Washington Times, Bill Wilson

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