Friday, June 26, 2009

Tort Reform, and the Health Care Crisis

One of the largest factors in the skyrocketing cost of medical expenses is the law suits, and high insurance costs paid by the doctors which are designed to protect doctors from such law suits. In order to avoid being sued, doctors order extra tests, and make sure they cover all of their bases (even if the bases were unnecessary). Some argue that the only way to stop this vicious cycle is to enact Tort Reform.

Tort Reform: Proposed changes in the civil justice system that would reduce tort litigation or damages. Tort is a system for compensating wrongs and harm done by one party to another's person, property or other protected interests. A series of changes designed to reduce the number of frivolous lawsuits.

But, you can forget Tort Reform - because the majority of the politicians are a bunch of lawyers, and they protect their own. . .

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

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