Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beer Summit Joke

What do you get when you put together a Black Harvard Professor trying to get into his home, a White cop told he is breaking into the house, and an ignorant U.S. President that has a history of jumping to conclusions?

You get a joke of a Beer Summit that is obviously being used to elevate Obama once again since everything is crumbling around him.

I just finished watching Sgt. Crowley's press conference after the completion of the Beer Summit between he, Professor Gates, President Barack Obama, and late entry Vice President Joe Biden at the White House. Listening to the broadcasters yapping about it, and listening to the questions and answers by Sgt. Crowley, I realized what a big joke this thing was.

Obama is being portrayed like he is some kind of great moderator bringing together the White and Black halves of America over a beer. A non-racial situation has been turned into one, and the President of the United States is suddenly the great race-arbitor.

The press is making a big deal over whether or not the gal who called dispatch said it was two Black men, or just two people. People are worried about if Crowley and Gates got along at the beer summit too, and what Crowley meant by saying he and Gates agreed to disagree.

My response is, "Who cares?"

By the way, Biden was added because they didn't want nobody feeling like a third wheel.

Like usual, the Democrats are so worried about upsetting someone, or offending someone, because they see America as a nation of groups. They think we are all touchy about race, and Obama wishes America to see him (after his "stupid" remark) as a great mediator in the liberally perceived out of control war on race.

We are individuals. It is up to us to be responsible to ourselves, and to others. There was no race controversy until Gates and Obama decided to make it so. Who cares if the dispatcher said the suspects were black. If she did, it was to better enable the cop to better identify the perpetrator. Stating the color of a person who is believed to break into a home is not being racist - it is simply applying indentifying factors.

Who's fault is it that this became a big issue?

I heard that in a poll it is pretty split. Some say Crowley's, some say Gates, other say both. I think that it really was neither of their faults. It is the fault of the idiot that asked Obama his opinion on it in the first place. Nobody knew much about the situation at that point, and it was simply an attempt to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Hopefully we are done with this garbage, but I doubt it.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

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