Thursday, July 09, 2009

Cap and Trade Favors Mega Corporations

The Republican Party, for a century, has been accused of being the party that wants to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer. Big Corporations, according to the demonizers (without actually producing any figures or proof), have always had the GOP in their back pockets.

This myth began because the Republican Party has always supported free enterprise, and in a free market economy, getting government out of the operations of businesses applies all the way across the board, from small business to large corporations. As for the rich becoming richer part, a part of that ridiculous mantra comes from the fact that the GOP has always had a problem with progressive taxation, which is a Marxist policy. With a flat tax, for example, by the very fact that the richer makes more money, they would still pay a larger amount of tax than everyone else below them.

The idea espoused by the Left that the rich doesn't pay their fair share in the current progressive system of taxation is especially laughable. In 2006, the top 20 percent of all income earners paid 86.3 percent of all national income taxes (and this doesn't take into account the other taxes paid in the form of fees and specialty taxes), and this is with the number of high-income taxpayers decreasing. In other words, less rich people are paying a larger percentage of the total revenue collected by the federal government.

Even more amazing is that fact that the top 5 percent of wage earners pay over 50 percent of the taxes. Did you get that? 5% pays over half of all the taxes! And the Left says they don't pay their fair share?

All of this hammering of the wealthiest Americas has become a Democratic Party pastime, as the bottom 40 percent of wage earners (and non-earning adults) pays virtually no taxes at all, and the bottom 50 percent pay less than 5 percent of the total taxes.

Let's get this straight. Top 5% pays over 50%, and the lower 50% pays less than 5%. Yet, the Democrats have the audacity to say the rich doesn't pay their fair share, and that by making it a little more reasonable in the tax code the Republicans are somehow trying to make the rich richer.

Also, consider that the rich more often than not tend to be business owners, who, when they have more profit after paying less in taxes, expand their businesses, and hire more employees - so it would seem reasonable to ease the burden a little in this time of economic upheaval.

Then here comes along Cap and Trade, also known as the Climate Bill, the Waxman-Markey Bill, and The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACES) - HR 2454.

One of the provisions in the Cap and Trade Climate Bill is the issuance of carbon credits.

You know, that stuff you exhale, and trees use to make oxygen?

In an attempt to limit the size of corporate carbon footprints, a business is given a maximum of carbon credits that will be available for doing business. If the current structure exceeds that cap on carbon emissions, then the business must spend whatever money it takes to ensure the business comes into compliance. This, alone, will kill a whole slew of smaller companies who will not be able to bring their business into compliance without bankrupting themselves.

If a company wishes to expand operations, and with such an expansion will wind up releasing more carbons than the government imposed limit, the only way to expand legally would be to buy carbon credits from other companies willing to sell theirs because they have either too many credits for their needs, or are downsizing anyway. In a growing economy, the potential for growth will cause businesses to hang on to those credits, and if they were willing to sell them at all, the carbon credits would go to the highest bidder. The highest bidders will always be the mega corporations - meaning that smaller businesses, which are the life blood of this economy, will be unable to expand.

Killing the growth of small business will then doom the economy into a depression that, as the Democrats tried to proclaim this hiccup to be, will be much worse than anything we've seen in a century.

And if you look closely at the consequences of this Climate Bill, it is not difficult to realize that HR 2454 favors mega corporations.

First the Democrats jump up and down with excitement as the federal government bails out large corporations because they are "too big to fail." Now, the Democrat controlled White House and Congress is introducing a bill that will allow the richer corporations to get richer, and kill the growth of any smaller corporations.

And the Democrats say the Republicans have the big corporations in their back pockets?

Actions speak louder than words.

Fortunately, the Global Warming, Climate, Cap and Trade, economy killing, growth slaughtering bill has been delayed in the U.S. Senate - for now.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Income Tax Will Become More Progressive Under Obama Tax Plan - The Heritage Foundation, Curtis S. Dubay

Republicans, Pass The Working Poor Tax Relief Act! - GOP USA, Don Crawford

No Surprise: Global Warming Bill Delayed in Senate - The Heritage Foundation

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