Barack Obama figured the selling out of America through a Health Care takeover by the government would occur as smooth as silk. He figured he could sell slavery in the guise of "needed assistance" with ease, while convincing the populace that with more slavery comes freedom.
It isn't going as well as King Obama once thought.
Now, this whole health care thing is getting personal.
President Obama's pitch is now that a sweeping overhaul in the health care industry will help the people of America, and will be sure to include consumer protections.
But how do you protect the consumers when the brightest minds in America begin to shy away from medicine because the profitability has been killed by government intervention? How do you protect consumers when insurance companies begin to increase rates because of a severe loss of customers they know they will never get back once more than half of their customer base runs over to Obamacare? How do you protect consumers when bureaucrats in Washington DC begin to issue "priorities" based on your behavior, and can deny you life-saving surgeries so that they can give it to somebody else that just jumped into line, but is more deserving to live? How do you protect the consumer when wait times for critical care increases because there are less doctors, less incentive to give quality care, and a bunch of government workers deciding who gets what, when? How does the government protect the consumer when the government is the problem?
Rather than setting annual caps on how much insurers can charge consumers for out-of-pocket expenses, how about offering them tax breaks for bringing those charges below a certain number? Rather than barring insurers from refusing coverage due to pre-existing conditions, how about granting the insurers incentives to accept such patients into their system by implementing a relaxation in particular fee schedules should the insurer accept these patients, or tax deductions for each patient accepted that falls under this category?
Rather than trying to control the industry, how about incentivising it?
The way to bring down the cost to consumers is not to increase cost to the insurance companies. Increased costs to the insurer will be transferred to the consumer. The way to decrease the cost of medical care for the consumer is the decrease the cost of doing business for the insurers and the health care providers.
Ultimately, in his implementation of a government paid health system, Obama will push the private industry over a cliff, and the government will become the sole provider of coverage. As a result the cost to many will go down, but taxes will rise across the board, and the quality of care will drop like a rock.
In the name of affordability, are we willing to turn the greatest medical system in the world into one that can barely compete with the medical care in Third World Nations?
People will die because rationing (you know, giving people priorities based on their behaviors, age, body type, and benefit to society) will only allow care to be given to the youngest, most productive members of society. Private medical care will only be available to the richest people (so much for closing that gap between the rich and the poor, Mr. President). In the end Government will have the ultimate power over you. They will be able to decide whether you live, or die.
The Democrats know this will be the ultimate result. This is what they want. Obama's stupidity is not by accident. Government control over the populace by putting a socialistic system in place is the goal. They understand that a totalitarian socialistic state must be put into place. Liberals believe, however, that it is essential in the evolution of humanity, and that eventually a big government system will magically melt away, giving way to a world where we won't need government at all - where society becomes some sweet, peaceful place where everybody lives happily ever after - by the way, this utopian society they are striving for is called COMMUNISM.
And we are supposed to believe this socialist state rising in America, which will inevitably become a powerful dictatorship, will happily give up its power and step aside for the liberal utopia?
The goal of Obama with his so-called sweeping reform in the Health Care industry is not to make sure you have better medical care. Your protection is no more the goal of Obamacare than is Cap and Trade to help the environment. All of these policies, from the takeover of the auto industry, to the bail out of any business system they can get their hands on, is about bringing the reins of power into their own hands. The idea of all of this is for the liberal left to seize permanent power of the government. Realizing the American People would never allow this willingly, the Democratic Party (and much of the GOP) has become populated with accomplished liars and thugs. It was no accident when Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
Barack Obama has retooled his speeches, just as he did during his presidential campaign. He was the most liberal candidate in the hunt for the presidency, and we all knew it, yet he fooled a majority of Americans by sounding conservative - offering tax cuts, and even sounding a little less liberal when it came to the social issues. Obama knows from eperience that the truth will not work, so he must now convince folks that Obamacare is good for them, even though in the long haul it will be disastrous for America.
He must use lies to convince us to allow him to implement the disastrous system of socialism.
His speeches about this monstrosity of a health care bill that the legislators aren't even going to read are becoming rosier and more reassuring with each day.
He wants it passed, and he wants it passed quickly, before anyone realizes the long term damage to the American System it will cause.
Remember, this is the same party of Democrats that accused Bush, and the Republicans, of moving too fast with their legislation and war effort.
My, how opinions change when you have the chance to inject more statism into Washington while holding the reins of power as you change America into a socialist state.
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
By Douglas V. Gibbs
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