As Sarah Palin's final day as governor of Alaska passed it was interesting listening to the pundits try to figure out her strategy, or reasons for stepping down. My local CBS Television News was proclaiming over and over again that nobody knows why she resigned as governor of Alaska, and then proceeded to play clips of a couple people, one being Sarah's father, saying, "I don't know what she has planned for the future."
Not knowing what Sarah Palin is planning for the future is not the same as not knowing why she stepped down.
Whatever. Typical media spin.
The clips were right, however. Nobody knows for sure what Sarah has planned for the future. Speculation, and the hopes of conservatives, circle around the possibility that her future plans include preparing for a national run for office.
One thing is for sure, Sarah Palin energized Republicans last year in ways that none of the presidential candidates were able to accomplish. The Republican Party seemed to have purpose again, rather than being satisfied with itself acting like a light beer version of liberalism. Sarah Palin's energy would be a welcome return to the national stage, especially to possibly halt the GOP's continued leftward slide. The Party of Reagan is nothing like it was, and began a deadly journey into self-destruction during George Herbert Walker Bush's presidency, moving leftward ever since.
A little conservatism in the form of a firecracker from Alaska may just be what the party needs. . . again.
You Betcha.
The liberal left Democrats and biased media proclaim that the Republican Party lost the election in 2008 because it has swung too far to the right. It literally cracks me up when liberals and moderates claim that kind of madness. In reality the Republican Party has been suffering from a rapid move away from its conservative roots, becoming more like the Democratic Party with each passing cycle. The Republican Party ceased being the party of original conservative ideas, and has stopped having strong Constitutional stances on the issues.
Critics of conservatism say that the GOP has a better chance to win the presidential election with a wishy-washy moderate, than a conservative. Newsflash, the GOP tried that in 2008, and lost. In fact, if McCain had not have chosen the quite conservative Sarah Palin as his running mate, the loss suffered would have been even more severe.
Part of the leftward lean of the Republican Party can be attributed to both Bush Administrations who believed in something called "Compassionate Conservatism." Compassionate Conservatism is hardly conservative at all, and in reality was just another name for big government spending under the guise of conservatism. In fact in pursuit of such an idea, Dubya teamed up with Teddy Kennedy to create the disastrous "No Child Left Behind" Act, which placed big government even more front and center in an already ailing public school system. Also, the rule of law seems not to mean much to these "Compassionate Conservatives" when it comes to the illegal alien issue.
I am not Bush bashing, but as I did often during George W. Bush's presidency, I recognized that though there were many things I felt he did right, there were also many things President Bush failed at. During 2007 especially, I wrote about these less than desired positions of President Bush often. Honestly, among Conservatives, we all knew that when George W. Bush came into office that despite his claims of conservatism, when it came to the size of government, it was doubtful he was conservative in the least.
Like father, like son.
Luckily for us, Bush at least was wise enough to understand that when faced with an act of war against the nation, as was the case on 9/11, to avoid further attack a nation must spring into military action.
In all honesty, despite the liberal left's claims that the Republican Party has become the party of the "religious right," the GOP hasn't moved to the right in the slightest since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. The Democrat Party, however, has moved drastically to the Left during the same time period. When a party moves as far to the left as has the Democrats, anything not teetering on the edge of communism like they are will look like it is on the extreme right - which explains liberalism's warped view of things. In other words, contrary to popular leftard opinion, the Republicans didn't move to the right, the Democrats moved drastically to the Left - and then as they moved left, the Democrats have erroneously (through vicious propaganda) attributed the wider gap between the parties as being the fault of a GOP shift to the right.
Hence, one of the reasons for Sarah Palin's popularity.
As the Democrats move to the left, so has the GOP.
People say we have a two-party system, but when it comes to the politics of politics, there are few differences among the elitists that hold office in the U.S. Government. Politics is no longer about being a statesman, or about feeling honored to have the opportunity to serve the people. U.S. Politics has become about gaining power, keeping that power, and worrying about the next election. Money and political greed runs rampant through Washington DC in both parties, though the Democrats own it across the board. The federal government has become a growing power-grabbing monster, expanding into our lives in ways never intended by the framers of the U.S. Constitution. Sarah Palin's popularity is more than just her conservative principles, though her conservatism plays a large part in her popularity. She is seen as a person that represents the people because she comes from the people. She is a grassroots candidate not spoiled by the cess-pool of Washington. Her primary concern is serving the people with honor. Her platform is liberty. Her goal is to maintain America's exceptionalism. For Sarah Palin it is all about the will of the people.
As opposed to Nancy Pelosi who is a firm believer in the will of Congress.
It is no accident that Sarah Palin has an 80% approval rating among Republicans, and nearly a 50% approval rating among independents.
So if Sarah Palin is so popular, why did she decide to resign her governorship in Alaska?
The relentless attacks against Sarah Palin, which includes baseless allegations that have cost the Palin Family more than half a million bucks in legal fees (along with $2 million of taxpayer money investigating the more-often-than-not bogus complaints). Amazingly, the attacks have continued, and increased, since her announcement. Such a barrage of negative attention was not what was best for Alaska, Sarah's family, or Palin's political career, so she decided it was time to spare the family, and the State of Alaska, the continued problems, and step down in hopes to either regroup, or make a determination to step down from politics permanently.
What amazes me is that The Left portrays Sarah Palin as a moron, or simpleton, supported by "dimwitted conservatives." If she is so stupid, then why spend all of the time attacking her? Why hire far left writers to do hit pieces on Sarah Palin, as suggested by Bill O'Reilly's piece at Townhall titled "Marginalizing Sarah Palin?" If she is such an idiot, why worry about her?
By your very actions, liberal left, you contradict your words.
Two possibilities have been given to me as reasonable answers to the question about why Sarah Palin has been such a target. Either, liberalism sees how dangerous Sarah Palin is to them, and how capable she is of re-energizing a Conservative Base that could carry the GOP into a landslide victory in the next election, or because of her faith they see this as a major opportunity to eliminate Judeo-Christian traditions by using Sarah Palin as an example of the religious right, and hammering on her, and Christian Conservatives, until like with everything else, they convince the public that their lies are the truth.
All in all, the Left's preoccupation with Sarah Palin is incredible evidence of the corrupt tactics liberals are willing to use. Basically stated: If you dare oppose their ideology, you will be attacked relentlessly with unfounded propaganda until you are destroyed, or until a greater threat rises in your place.
Trust me, us conservative bloggers get trolls that use the same kind of tactics.
If I am so harmless, why do you care enough to attack me? Could it be because you are vile human beings who have no understanding of the words "ethics" or "standards?"
-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary
By Douglas V. Gibbs
Palin Faces Questions as She Exits Alaska Politics - Fox News
Pelosi: 'Congress will work its will' - Politico, Daniel W. Reilly
Marginalizing Sarah Palin - Townhall, Bill O'Reilly
Bauer: Palin remains among GOP frontrunners - One News Now, Chad Groening
Palin Says Latest Allegation Shows Need For New Ethics Law - Fox News, Matthew Daly
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