Friday, July 31, 2009

Rep. Brian Baird’s (D-Wash.) H.R. 3247, Behavior Research

When does behavior research become behavior modification?

Simply put, in today's political environment, if you do not agree with liberalism, then there must be something wrong with you. As a result, the powers that be (the Democrats) wish to study your behavior patterns so that they can modify them in order to make you think more like them.

Does that sound like science fiction?

All of us are guilty of saying that there is something wrong with the world today. I am a firm believer that we have moved away from the original intention of the U.S. Constitution, and as a society we suffer from a secular-humanistic drive to immobilize morality, as well as any code of standards that could have anything in common with religion, especially Christianity. In other words, morality based on biblical standards has become a bad thing.

The folks on the Left disagree with me on what is wrong, but like me, believe that in one way, or another, we are doing it all wrong when it comes to government and society. It doesn't matter that we also disagree with each other on what is wrong, or how to fix it. All that matters for the point of this argument is that each and every one of us believes that something is wrong, and to become a better nation it needs to change.

Behavioral science has pinpointed that people like change, and they like to follow change when they think everyone else is doing it too. Hence, the basics on how Obama got elected.

After the successful demonization of the previous administration, and the constant hammering on the American People that anyone that did not believe in Obama's change really didn't want any kind of change, which meant by default they wanted the same old politics of the past, which had been successfully hammered on as a failure; Obama not only won the election, but with a rabid following that was eerily devotional on a near-religious level.

Now that the Democrats have control, they could care less about pesky little things like the U.S. Constitution, or anyone that dares to disagree with them. Dissent is but a minor obstacle. Obama's team has set out to make the changes Barack promised. Problem is, the "change" he wants is not anything like the "change" many of his devotees expect. His change is more than anyone could have ever believed possible. Barack Obama's hope and change is a well orchestrated change to the American Form of Government from a Republic, to a Socialistic Democracy.

he Obama team, however, has this slight little problem. Not everyone mindlessly fell for his rhetoric. Believe it or not, there are those out there that actually disagree with him, and believe what he is doing is potentially harmful to not only the America of today, but to the America we hope to give to our children, and grandchildren.

No problem, says the Democrats. Label them right-wingers as anti-government extremists, get the people to turn on them, and then use behavior research and modification methods to ensure the people begin to believe and act as the government desires.

Excuse me, could George Orwell please stand up, and step up here to the front? It seems your nightmare, Mr. Orwell, is coming true after all.

Where is Winston when we need him?

What is especially sneaky about this plan of behavior research is it will be used under the guise that these researchers, and government, knows what is best for the collective, and to not follow the findings of this research that will be enacted upon the passing of H.R. 3247, you will be found to be against change, against growth, and against the betterment of society. Off to a re-education camp to you.

Are you are phobe? Your time is coming. Islamophobes, Homophobes, Environmentalism-phobes, and Hope and Change Phobes, you are the true enemy, and President Obama's Brownshirts will ensure you cooperate and integrate. Otherwise, you are an enemy of the state.

H.R. 1913 Hate Crimes legislation will be the law that allows the government to lock you away. H.R. 3247 will determine you are an obsolete citizen that is not willing to play ball. The Health Care legislation will determine who lives and dies by who gets treatment - and guess you doesn't get the medical care they need to survive?

It will get to the point that any opinion of dissent will not be allowed, and will be forced to be stricken from the record.

Don't believe me? Think I am being paranoid?

Ken Calvert, California U.S. Representative, had a few things to say about the Left's health care plans in his newsletter, and the Democrats made him remove an Obama quote from it. How dare he not follow their lead. How dare he have independent thoughts. That's right, you have read this correctly. The Democrats are censoring the Republicans. The GOP has even been told they are not allowed to use the words, "government run health care."

Write what we want you to write, or we will do it for you.

The same has happened to Rep. John Carter (R-TX), Kevin Brady (R-TX), and Joe Barton (R-TX). How the censorship was accomplished was through the franking approval system (Franking Commission).

This type of strong arm tactics by the Democrats should even have lefty voters concerned - because once the freedoms start being taken away from one group, other groups are always next.

The thought police will take care of those GOP scum soon enough. You will be next, "whether you like it or not" (Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco, declaring Gay Marriage was coming to California, November, 2008).

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Changing Consumer Behavior is Crucial to Reducing Energy Use, Baird Says at AAAS - AAAS

Big Goverment Spends Taxpayer Dollars to Study Energy Behavior - The Heritage Foundation

H.R. 3247 - The Library of Congress, THOMAS

How Obama Is Using the Science of Change - Time, Michael Grunwald

Carter & Co. Kick House Censors - Human Events, Connie Hair

Behavioral Science - Glenn Beck Video, Fox News

Gavin Newsom - Whether you like it or not - YouTube

Same-Sex Movement Demands Tolerance But Won't Show Any - Human Events, Gary Bauer

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