Monday, August 31, 2009

FEMA Internment Camps: Truth? Or Fiction?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

In an Internet group I am a member of, a lot of talk about FEMA Camps built to imprison rounded up dissidents has come up. Like those folks that believed George W. Bush was planning on instituting martial law and throwing anyone that disagreed with his policies into a Nazi-style internment camp (complete with ovens), an argument has arisen that the Obama Administration plans to jail dissidents as well. I, myself, have played around with the idea that the Left is capable of such atrocities a couple times. But when one sits down and thinks about it, you realize that nothing could be farther from the truth. Not because the Democrats see how wrong it is, but because such a blatant misuse of power, without a viable explanation, is not in their nature. Don't get me wrong, I could see them very easily deciding to take such actions in the face of a "National Emergency." Perhaps an outbreak of Swine Flu, or another Katrina-style Hurricane, is just the excuse they are waiting for. In the end, however, that is not how this kind of tyranny takes over. They are patient. They are conniving. And they are deceptive.

Below is my response to a debate that arose in my Internet group regarding whether or not FEMA Camps really exist, and whether or not we should be worried that the Left is going to round up us rightwing extremists anytime soon:

Internment camps may be on the minds of some on the Left. I am sure that some of the leftist Democrats have entertained the idea of throwing those crazy members of the rightwing loon brigade into a camp just to be rid of us. But these people on the left in control of the American Government right now, though they are using a classic overreach right now with their policies, for the most part understand that the takeover of America must be done incrementally.

Creeping Incrementalism is how they've been doing it all along, and though the pace has been stepped up a little, they are not about to ruin generations of deception with a quick jump over the shark.

Anything that is obviously against the law, and can't be explained away with their typical rhetoric, is not something these people will attempt. . . yet. I believe as most of you do that the Left has its eyes on changing the American Form of Government, and going into Uncle Barry's presidency they really thought that they could step across that line of no return, and "change" America into something it was never intended to be. But, they underestimated the American People. They did not expect us to refuse to be fooled.

I do believe the Left wishes greatly to be able to shut up all dissidents, and that to some degree force may be used. In fact, strong-arm tactics have already been employed by Obama supporting groups like ACORN and SEIU at the Town Hall meetings. I will also be the first to admit that often the Democrats amaze me at their willingness to overstep lines I thought they'd never cross. I believe that some of them have even toyed with the idea of internment camps for dissidents, and I have joked about it a few times on my Political Pistachio site, daring them to come and get me. But, as crazy as these people are, and as in line as they are politically with National Socialism (Nazism) and Soviet idealism (communism, Marxism), I do not think that they are capable of the kinds of murderous atrocities (or detainment of dissidents) that Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, and every other Leftist dictator in history, has exhibited. I don't think they have camps built with barbed wire around them, and I don't think they have goon squads at the ready to begin rounding up anyone that disagrees with them.

That said, however, I do believe they are capable of some of the things you fear.

I do believe the Leftist Democrats are willing to take steps to silence the opposition. I do believe many of them are frustrated that they can't do what you fear they are up to, like FEMA Camps. But you have to remember, these people are deceivers. Masters of deception. They don't perform such injustices in the open. They wrap tyranny nicely, placing labels that claim whatever it is they are offering is actually something other than what is in the package. They smile, as they hand you the gift, promising you that it is all for the common good of our society. In other words, they are capable of all you think they are, but they will only do so in a deceptive manner, giving us the shaft as we smile and accept it willingly. That is how these people work. The Left will convince you that their idiocy is for your own good, and only they can inject it properly. Then, after smiling, winking, and truly believing what they say, you look down and have shackles on your ankles you didn't realize were there.

FEMA Camps are too obvious. They would rather imprison you with your permission, and your happy willingness to do so, because you have been convinced it is for the good of America.


Glenn Beck: FEMA camps debunked - Glenn Beck dot com

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