Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Tactic of Misdirection

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The differential between those that strongly disapprove (40%) and those that strongly approve (29%) with Obama's presidency is worsening for the Democrats. More and more folks realize that the "Cash For Clunkers" is a failure in so many ways. The health care debate continues to go from bad to worse for the Democrats. Other signs of Democrat Party's collapse is rising up into the public's line of vision, as well, as evidenced by the fact that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trailing his top Republican challenger by 11 points. The Left is feeling the need to do something quickly to stop the free-fall. The Statists do not understand how it could be possible that the American People does not approve of their big government agenda. The dissent is getting out of control. Heck, the Democrat faithful is even demanding Kennedy step down so that they can get an able-bodied Leftist in there (and they're even willing to deceptively change the laws, again, to make it happen!).

In short, they are falling back on a dirty tactic that worked beautifully before, and they hope will stop the bleeding now.

The demonization of, and constant attacks on, the George W. Bush Administration was one of the most successful tactics that got the liberal left into the White House, while also helping them gain control of Congress. Their constant pounding of the Bush Administration's choice of going to war, coupled with well placed embellishments on Bush's alleged lack of ability to serve as President of the United States, and of course heart-wrenching horror stories (regardless of the truth) about people suffering at the hands of the Republicans (those suffering people usually being terrorists that have killed Americans), made the American Public weary of war, and convinced the voters that Bush (and his Republican Party) was the epitome of incompetence. So, since the Democrat's devious, and deceptive, tactic worked so well once before, they are calling on the tactic once again - but this time to be used as misdirection, as well.

The desperate action of a political party in serious trouble.

On top of all that, the investigations will be supervised directly by the White House. Talk about doing whatever it takes to be in control.

The misdirection part of the plan is designed to push further Obama's distance from the Bush administration detainee policies, because people have been noticing Obama acting a lot like the hated Bush when it comes to his National Security efforts.

The CIA interrogation plan, hoping to soil a few more folks that had ties to the Bush Administration, is a sign of how stupid this Obama Administration truly is. They don't get it. They do not understand that their win in 2008 was not about the country moving Left, but about their deceptive face they showed the American People. Obama campaigned on conservative-sounding promises. Now, America is becoming wise to the lies of the Left. Secondly, the Democrat's Congressional majority is not a majority, no matter how much they wish to strut around proclaiming it is.

The liberal base can't figure the Democrats out. Their policies are failing. They can't get the votes, and it has nothing to do with the GOP. They have the votes. There are enough Democrats to pass the Health Care Bill, and all of their other wet dream bills. So why is the agenda failing? Why can't Obama and friends close the deals?

A bunch of Democrats have broken ranks.

Those Democrats were never in their ranks in the first place. Most of the seats won by the Democrats in 2008 were by conservative Democrats, some of which are more conservative than their liberal Republican opposition (a.k.a. Moderates). On top of that, the liberal left's policies are even more radical than most of the base wants. A lot of those Town Hall protesters were Democrats. People who voted for Obama were out there shouting for his head. They are losing their base, and they are collapsing the Democratic Party, and they don't even realize it.

The Leftists in power, now, are attacking their constituents, calling them extremists and members of the rightwing fringe for showing up at Tea Parties, and shouting the Democrats down at Town Hall meetings. And now they are literally at each other's throats, as well. The Leftists have shown their true face, and the public is rejecting it. Then, when faced with opposition, rather than recognize their radical agenda, they blame it all on the moderates, the media, and them damn extremist GOP conservatives.

The lunatics are doing whatever they can to shift the blame, not realizing that they are actually the fringe. They are the bad guys. They are the ones trying to change the American Form of Government into something the people do not desire, and something the Founding Fathers never intended. And their failure has the far left crazies that follow them up in arms, demanding action, wondering why they can't get their agenda in place. The Obama faithful don't understand why the Obama Administration can't deliver, when in the end it is because they don't have the votes, or the support.

Interrogating the CIA, and looking for more shadows in the dark when it comes to how the agents treated the enemy, is an attempt to get things back on track for the Democratic Party. The Left intends to create hate against their political opponents, and to make the American public hate the military more than they hate socialism.

By villainizing the CIA, and the military that was willing to serve under Bush, the Democrats will create a portrayal of Al-Qaeda that the terrorists are somehow victims. This is what the Left wants. They want the public opinion to have pity for those poor Al-Qaeda and Taliban "freedom fighters." They desire the United States to be seen as the big bad imperialistic perpetrator so that Obama can do some more apologizing for America. They think if they can get the Bush Administration to look like a bunch of warmongers again, it will show the Left to be peace loving, high ground taking saints - and perhaps during all of the anger, you will no longer notice what they are doing to America.

The American Public is wiser than that. The people know that the Obama Administration is reaching for straws. They realize that the Democrats are trying to demonize a past president once again in order to cause them to avert their eyes from the debacle of Obama's health care mess.

Iraq and Afghanistan are on Obama's watch, now. Trying to go back and rattle a few skeletons will do nothing but expose more of the Obama Administration's incompetence. They are trying to convince the people that America was a torturing nation, but the implements in question are now in the hands of the Democrats. The National Security responsibilities belong to them, and they have changed little when it comes to the techniques used by the Bush Administration.

Promises to their constituents have not been fulfilled. Gitmo isn't closed as Obama promised, secret wire-tapping hasn't stopped, and Afghanistan is becoming more of a mess than the Democrats were ever able to convince the public Iraq had become. Meanwhile, they wish to treat the blood-thirsty enemy with kid gloves, reading them Miranda Rights, and acting as if the Islamists are criminals, rather than hardened terrorists that desire that we all die because we won't believe there is no other god than Allah.

Americans are tired of the Left painting the United States as the villain. The American People also realize the the Bush Administration is now in the past. Despite what the liberal left believes, Bush and Cheney are no longer important to people. But when it comes down to it, the GOP is only the tool the Left is using. In reality, it is all about demonizing America. They desire that America be the villain so that they can convince everyone that the American Form of Government must be changed, and that they are just the Marxists to do it. Once they convince Americans of that, the socialist policies should come easy.

Eric Holder choosing to appoint a prosecutor to examine a dozen cases, or so, of CIA interrogators and contractors supposedly violating anti-torture laws, is simply designed to cause you to avert your eyes from the Left's failures and socialistic policies. They wish to use this to demonize America so that it looks like Obama still needs to make changes. This also gives them the chance to hammer on a few Republicans they hate, meanwhile providing them with the opportunity to project that hate upon the rightwing extremists that dare mount an opposition to the Left in Tea Parties and Town Hall Meetings (even though much of that dissent is also by people that voted for Obama as well). And ultimately, they are doing this so that you forget about the Health Care bill. The Democrats figure if you become angry about America under Bush again, the base will gather at anti-GOP rallies, and any unrest about the Health Care bill will be forgotten. Then, with a little luck, they will jam it through, and force it on the American People before anyone knows what hit them.

It is no accident, also, that this is happening just before 9/11. With all of the hate floating around, maybe you won't notice they've decided to change the meaning of September 11th, as well, desecrating it into a day of celebration of leftist ideals. Then, perhaps, you will also forget that the United States has been free from al-Qaeda attacks since the attacks on 9/11/2001.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports

Reid Trails GOP Challenger By Double Digits in New Poll - Fox News

Kennedy should resign - The Boston Globe

Kennedy and the Massachusetts Vacancy Law - Political Pistachio

Interrogation Czar to supervise terrorists questioning; CIA Agents being investigated - Los Angeles Examiner

Obama Administration Sets Up New Interrogation Unit - Fox News

Desecration of 9/11 - Political Pistachio

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