Sunday, September 27, 2009

ACORN, SEIU, Obama, and the Collapse of a Presidency

Thanks to Andrea Shea King for the tip.

Anita MonCrief knows about ACORN, the SEIU, and the implications and connections they have to Barack Obama. What is emerging is as scandal full of potential to bring down this Admininstration. Below I have the first few paragraphs of Anita's piece titled "Anatomy of a Sharkedown." You may read the remainder of the article on Breitbart's Big Government.

ACORN and SEIU: Anatomy of a Shakedown

by Anita MonCrief

Across America community organizations operate in impoverished, disadvantaged, low-income or minority communities. No matter the phrase used to describe the special interest, a group exists to represent it. Often these organizations initially have good intentions and seek to give back and serve the community in which they operate. When government money, power and influence become part of the equation however, lofty principles tend to fall by the wayside. Other organizations are created to cause chaos and disrupt the system.

The Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) was perceived by many as a well-intended organization, but it appears that the association that Wade Rathke founded was increasingly driven to cause chaos and disrupt the system whenever it could.

BEFORE the Dale Rathke embezzlement finally became last year, John Fund, in "Grapes of Rathke: ACORN, a liberal activist group, comes under scrutiny. About time," reported:

"Current and former Acorn employees say the problems in Kansas City and St. Louis are no accident. 'There's no quality control on purpose, no checks and balances,' says Nate Toler, currently head organizer of an Acorn campaign against Wal-Mart in Merced, Calif. In 2004 he worked on an Acorn voter drive in Missouri, and says Acorn statements aren't to be taken at face value: 'The internal motto is "We don’t care if it's a lie, just so long as it stirs up the conversation."

As various charges and complaints have materialized over the years, it seems that ACORN uses the communities in which they are located as staging grounds for national power grabs. With multiple states and entities receiving federal funds, ACORN plays to win. Aiding ACORN are groups like DEMO’s, the Democracy Alliance, Soros Open Society Institute, and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The Washington Examiner has covered ACORN’s: "Muscle for the Money" program. . .

Read the Rest on Big Government

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