Thursday, September 24, 2009

Obama: Rid The World Of Nuclear Weapons

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Barack Obama is basically a liberal hippie on steroids, with a lot of Marxism tossed in for good measure. He apologizes for America being exceptional every chance he gets. He held a Ramadan dinner at the White House a couple weeks ago, while earlier in the year refusing to say a word on the Day of National Prayer for fear of compromising the mythical separation of church and state. He spends his every waking moment hoping to nationalize America's industries, including banks, the auto industry, credit institutions, and health insurance. Barack Hussein Obama believes that these entities should not be able to roam free without government guidance. Profit is greed, to Obama and the Democrats. Individuality opposes the common good. Obama believes that true freedom is slavery.

In addition to big government controlling every aspect of the collective, Obama also believes that evil exists because of America. American exceptionalism causes enemies to rise. A powerful military, in the mind of Obama, breeds terrorist hate towards America. The enemy pursues nuclear weapons because the United States has such weapons, and because of that, Obama desires to rid the world of nuclear weapons, beginning with the American stockpile.

Democrats blame inanimate objects for the world's ills, not flesh and blood dirt balls. Evil doesn't exist, as far as they are concerned. Any evil that rises up in the world is only due to a misunderstanding, and can be fixed with a few well-placed words, a thoughtful ear, and perhaps a little get together over a few beers at the White House.

For years the Right has been reminding the Left that guns don't kill people. The shooter is the problem. But Democrats, to solve gun violence, wish to regulate, and possibly remove, gun ownership - not willing to admit that what they are doing is restricting, or removing, gun ownership from law abiding citizens while giving free reign to the criminal element.

In the right hands a knife cuts food, frees captives by cutting rope, or can be a deadly instrument of violence in the hands of evil.

In the hopes of ridding the world of nuclear weapons, what Democrats like Obama don't get is the problem is not the nukes. The problem we see arising in the community of nuclear nations is the regimes that are now holding them, or are desiring to possess such terrible weapons. You will never be able to completely rid the world of nculear weapons. The technology is out there, and bad guys will make sure they possess them. The question is, do we want them to possess the weapons alone? Are we willing to allow them to continue to gain access to the technology while removing ourselves as a deterrent? If evil fears no retribution, they will use the weapons freely, on whoever they desire.

President Obama gave his little speech to the U.N. General Assembly echoing his normal plea to "rid the world of nuclear weapons," and the leftist worldwide United Nations delegates ate it up, applauding madly, not realizing that the weapons will never be eliminated. To control the ill use of nuclear weapons we will never be able to simply rid the world of them. The regimes will never voluntarily give them up. They desire power, and death to their enemies, and nuclear weapons are their way to achieve that.

We need to take decisive measures against the dangerous regimes trying to gain nuclear weapons, and the way to do that is not by surrendering our own. Ridding the world of nuclear weapons is simply not possible, and the enemy is best kept under control by fear - fear that a super power like the United States could take them down if they take a bad step.

Like gun control, attempting to rid the world of nuclear weapons will only take the weapons out of the hands of the responsible, while leaving them in the hands of violent insanity.

In the end, if Obama has his way, we all pay the price.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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