Thursday, November 26, 2009

Coptic Orthodox Priests: Muslims Pretend to be Nice People

As I have said numerous times on Political Pistachio, and on my Political Pistachio Radio Revolution: Islam is a political ideology masked as a religion. Islam is an ideology more dangerous than Nazism, and in fact was aligned with Hitler. Peaceful Muslims are peaceful despite Islam, not because of it. However, if a worldwide caliphate were to take control of the globe, there would be no moderate Muslims. They would all be rejoicing together at the beheading of infidels. The ideology is patient, with the goal of eventual complete control of the globe. From a Christian point of view, studying Quranic and Biblical prophecy, it is clear that Allah is Satan, the Mahdi is the anti-Christ, and Jesus is their anti-Christ. The Islamic Jihad is the tool of deception, and none other than Lucifer's army. Islam will not stop until they dominate the Earth, or are destroyed in the process, and they are using our unwillingness to identify the enemy (due to political correctness) to gain footing, and concessions. The enemy has risen, and we are unwilling to fight them. Such will be the key to our destruction if we do not throw out the appeasers and weak traitors (Obama and his gang of Democrat idiots) that are in current control of the U.S. Government.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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