Sunday, November 29, 2009

Obama Administration Involved In Climategate

By Douglas V. Gibbs

The Emails and other files made public after the hacking last week of a computer server used by the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit has become the source of the biggest scandal in the history of modern science by exposing man-made global warming as not only being a lie, but a well designed leftist deception with a money trail attached. What is even more revealing is the fact that Obama's Science Czar is one of the players caught with their liar's cap on. Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Dr. John P. Holdren, is reported as being an "intractable global warming activist with no time for climate change skepticism." Well, it turns out that the former Harvard professor and Al Gore global warming adviser features prominently in the thousands of e-mails hacked out of England's East Anglia CRU.

According to the Canada Free Press and NewMax, the most embarrassing item for the Obama Administration may be a 2003 exchange between Holdren and editor-in-chief Nick Schulz. Schulz challenged Holdren on whether downplaying the significance of the Medieval Warm Period required "what lawyers call the burden of proof."

Newsmax writes that "Holdren's retort contained a remarkable assertion coming from a scientist: 'In practice, burden of proof is an evolving thing – it evolves as the amount of evidence relevant to a particular proposition grows.'"

In other words, political motivation is a large part of how the burden of proof evolves.

NewsMax continues by indicating that the CRU Emails and files also find Holdren disparaging solar physicists Sallie Baliunas and Willie Soon, contrarians regarding surface temperatures over the past millennium, who were colleagues of Holdren at Harvard. Speculation asks if Holdren may have intimidated the two scientists before they "suddenly and politely withdrew from the fray."

Yet, with this mountain of damning evidence, Holdren remains Science Czar, and Obama is still going to Copenhagen for his Climate Change conference.

The Left is amazing. Even faced with insurmountable evidence that their deceptive agenda has been caught red-handed, they continue on to force upon the people liberty-killing legislation and treaties.

Climategate, and the Leftists ignoring it, is a true indication that the facts mean nothing to the Left. Their socialist agenda is more important to them than the truth.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

White House Science Czar Involved in Climategate - NewsMax

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