Thursday, November 26, 2009

Robert Welch Predicted Bloodless Coup of U.S. By Radicals Like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid

The founder of the John Birch Society, Robert Welch, laid down long ago how the enemy will attempt to conquer the United States from within:

. . . induce gradual surrender of American sovereignty (to a global governance led by an organization like the United Nations). . . greatly expanded government spending (like what we are seeing from the Democrats right now). . . higher taxes (the higher taxes are already being proposed). . . unbalanced budget (Obama's spending is unsustainable). . . wild inflation (destruction of dollar with excessive national deficit and pumping fiat money into the system). . . government price controls (Democrats are currently suggesting such). . . government wage controls (in the guise of combating inflation, Democrats are currently pushing wage controls of executives of bailout corporations). . . socialistic controls over every aspect of our economy (health care will open up complete control for them, for in the effort to mandate your health, they will dictate to you your every action and behavior). . . control over every activity of our daily lives (with health care, they will achieve control over every activity by having control over whether or not you receive care, and ultimately if you live or die). . . increase of cost and reach of federal government. . . increase of centralization of power in Washington. . . elimination of state lines (destruction of state sovereignty). . . complete federalization of the educational system. . . pounding into the consciousness of the horror of modern day warfare (so that we reject raising a military to defend ourselves). . . appeasement of our enemies (which has resulted in an infiltration of our military by the enemy as evidenced by the Fort Hood shooting). . .

America has prospered because of our liberty, free market, and willingness to defend this nation. We have done so "to the incredible advantage of ourselves and everybody else, everybody, that is, except a numerically small clique of power-lusting conspirators who have somehow infected themselves on our gullible world."

We need to, according to Welch:

Restore the complete independence of the United States (includes getting the United States out of the United Nations, and the United Nations out of the United States), Return to Gold-Backed Currency, Reduce size of federal government (eliminate bureauocracies) by fifty percent, recall all American Troops around the world except where necessary to protect American interests (and allowed by Congress, and must be done gradually), get government out of areas where the federal government is not granted authority by the U.S. Constitution (gradually accomplished), we must be active in ridding our nation of the scourge of communism (socialism).

Welch proclaimed these points in 1958, and again in 1974.

One thing is for sure, he did not foresee the rise of the Islamist Jihad. Now, we have weakened ourselves by not following the advice of persons like Mr. Welch, and as a result, we are fighting a two-front war against Islam, and the internal takeover of America by radical Marxists (Obama and the hard left Congressional Democrats).

The freedoms we hold dear are worth fighting for. Thanksgiving is not only an opportunity to thank God for our blessings, but to take a renewed vow to protect them.


-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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