Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Failed National Security

By Douglas V. Gibbs

After the Nigerian terrorist scare on board Northwest Flight 253 caught the attention of the world, and reminded us that terrorism still lurks out there ready to strike, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano proudly proclaimed that the system of security around our airlines works. She later, after an outcry that reminded her that the system failed miserably by letting the terrorists on board the flights in the first place, backpedaled.

The System failed, and it failed miserably.

As with liberalism's gun control mentality, the Democrats in power are too busy worried about "things," and not people. Government politicians of all stripes have been banning nail clippers, box cutters, bottles of liquid, and the like, which is all well and good since these items can be used as implements of terror, but the mindless bureaucrats fail to get at the root of the problem.

I am sure you have heard the old saying, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." The same principle applies with terrorism. A box cutter in the hands of someone like me on board a plane poses no threat, but a box cutter in the hands of someone bent on terrorist actions does. The box cutters do not commit the terrorism, the people with the box cutters in their hands commit terrorism.

In response to the events over the skies of Detroit initiated by Nigerian Muslims, more security measures have been put into place. The wise security forces are looking for more "things," and have also increased the number of in flight rules as well. Now, thanks to their onslaught of security measures, you must keep keep your hands on your lap, hold your urine, and put that Bible away (Korans, I am sure, will seek an exception to the rule).

Terrorists will always find ways around the rules.

The heart of the problem lies in our unwillingness to accept who our enemy is, and recognize them as such. Political Correctness has handcuffed our common sense. At Fort Hood Nidal Malik Hasan gave us every warning short of writing "I am a terrorist" on his forehead, and yet because of fear of offending the poor Muslim, and all kinds of other symptoms of Political Correctness, a dozen-plus soldiers are dead. Though all Muslims are not terrorists, nearly all terrorists we are encountering in today's world are Muslim. Therefore, in addition to our current security measures that seem to be missing something, why not pay extra special attention to Muslims as well when they come through security?

The bleeding hearts of multi-cultural, make-love-not war, we've-got-to-be-tolerant leftists is rising in the distance. I can hear their eruption now. "How awful! You can't profile! That's discrimination!"

Would you rather be dead?

When Great Britain was having terrorist problems with the Irish Republican Army do you think their security was frisking folks of Japanese descent? Were they checking the purse of a little old woman from Switzerland while allowing the Irish man with a scowl to walk on by?

Of course not.

Britain recognized who the threat was, and zeroed in on members of that group.

When the L.A. Gang Unit is patrolling the streets of Los Angeles do you think they pay special attention to the old guy in the beat-up pick up truck, the old woman pushing the shopping cart, or the young males loitering in front of an old building with bandannas wrapped around their heads?

The obvious answer is obvious because you, like the LAPD, are willing to recognize who the problem is, and the signs that identify the potential trouble-makers. The police are willing to profile the most common traits of gang members.

In a murder investigation the detective doesn't make the entire city a group of suspects. He looks for persons of interest that fit the profile of the murderer.

Yet, for our national security, we look the other way when Muslims get on board a flight, and then pat down some old gal for daring to bring sewing needles on the flight because they can be used as instruments of violence.

Not only does our security system fall flat on its face, but it will continue to be a failed system until we are willing to say who the enemy is. National Security will continue to be a failed effort until we do more than zero in on "things," and pay attention to the people too.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Absurd Flight From Reality - New York Post

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