Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Third Quarter GDP Revised Downward

Like usual, the left can't get their numbers straight, proclaiming false numbers while the people are listening, and then stealthily adjusting the numbers while nobody is looking.

The Democrats have adjusted the third quarter GDP numbers, of which they had originally boasted had grown at an annualized rate of 3.5%. After the Obama administration excitedly hailed it as a sign that their economic policies were spurring growth, they have since revised the number downward to 2.8%, and then again down to 2.2%.

Fact is, if you examine the GDP numbers carefully, there has been no growth in the private sector. All of the growth has been in the public sector - the expansion of big government.

False GDP numbers show no private industry growth, the unemployment rate is over 10% (and the real number is around 20%), and consumer spending remains anemic - yet the doucebags are proclaiming the recession has ended.

I don't know what they are smoking, but whatever it is, it is making them lie.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Q3 GDP revised sharply downward-again - Hot Air

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