Sunday, January 24, 2010

Obama Propaganda Machine Launches Alinsky Tactics Against Anyone Questioning Obama's Eligibility to be President of the United States?

By Douglas V. Gibbs

Birthers. That is the name those that are asking Barack Obama to show valid proof of eligibility (i.e. birth certificate) is being called.

Sure, Obama was born. It's not like he was hatched from an egg - or at least that is what the term "birthers" implies.

But, seriously, though I am not one hundred percent convinced that Obama was born outside the United States, I am concerned about the fact that a valid birth certificate has not been provided, or that his records have all been sealed.

I don't consider myself a birther, per se, but I do consider myself someone who has seen red flags rise up because Obama, and his team, refuse to address the issue properly.

The insinuation is that Barack Obama sees this as a non-issue, and is essentially ignoring it.

Is he?

According to Andrea Shea King's Radio Patriot site, it is getting ugly.

Andrea Shea King writes: "It's getting ugly. And dangerous. And connected. Piece by piece, connecting into a bigger picture. [Looking] at the lawsuit that's been brought by Charles Kerchner, Commander USNR (Retired) and three others against Obama and Congress for not vetting Obama’s credentials prior to the electoral college casting their votes for him as President. . . a bit of discussion has ensued.

". . . American Thinker, Clarice Feldman wrote about Hans Von Spakovsky’s blog expose revealing the Department of Justice’s propaganda machine, wherein DoJ has hired bloggers to work as propagandists and sock puppets. (We've long suspected that some on the payroll are poseurs, "conservative" bloggers who are quick to employ Alinsky tactics, viciously condemning and ridiculing anyone who raises a question re: Obama’s eligibility."

Has the Obama Administration gone to deeper levels to hide the truth? And if they are, what truth are they hiding? Is Obama eligible, or not? And if he is, could it be that something even more damaging is being hidden?

Read more about this fascinating turn of events on Andrea Shea King's Radio Patriot.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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