Friday, February 26, 2010

Obama's Health Summit

Get Liberty

By Douglas V. Gibbs

I will spend time on going over the details of Obama's bogus Health Care Summit hopefully this weekend. But I wanted to say right now that it was interesting how bad the Republicans made the Democrats, and Obama, look during the Health Care Summit today.

The GOP members obviously know more about what is in the monstrosity of a bill than do the Democrats. The buffoon, aslo known as Obama, spent the entire summit on defense. It became clear, listening to the Democrat's angry drivel, that they don't understand the basic premise that government intrusion into the industry is what caused the health care crisis, and more government involvement is not the solution. They complain that the rest of the world has single-payer health care, but don't recognize that what separates us from the rest of the world, and the reason the United States is the most prosperous nation in the world, is because we don't act like the rest of the world.

In the yearning for compassion the liberal left treats everybody as if we are a bunch of meat-grinder zombies, taking our humanity out of mankind. We are all different, and it is self-reliance, personal responsibility, and our individualism that makes us pursue the opportunities this free nation offers. That is what made this nation great, not the idea of social equity through government mandate.

It seems like, while listening to the idiot Democrats try to defend their health care socialism in the health care summit, that the Left doesn't even comprehend the simple concept of liberty. How can one have liberty if "choice" is taken away?

If my insurance is not to my standard, I have the option to pursue a better plan.

If the government system is not to my standard, my choice will be gone, and the taxes associated with such a system will continue to be taken from me.

Hardly a concept of liberty.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

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