Friday, March 26, 2010

Diplomacy Problems for Obama, Including Turning His Back On Israel, And Walking Out on Benjamin Netanyahu

Obama, the international man of the world, who was destined to create love for America, has proven once again that when it comes to diplomacy, he is either a raging idiot, or is trying to destroy America's relationships.

It seems like Obama loves our enemies, but hates our friends.

In short, he has treated our greatest ally, Israel, as if they are our enemy, treated Pakistani jihadist punks with respect while treating them as our benefactors, and then entered into an agreement that was essentially a brilliant screw of America by the Russians.

The Russians know that Obama is one of those No Nukes sixties hippie freaks, who is willing to do anything to rid the world of nuclear arms. Mr. Chamberlain, errr, I mean Obama, wants to present to the world a treaty that promises that nuclear arms will be cut in our time. Russia, skillfully, has done all it can to ensure that we did the compromising, while they didn't. And ignorant Obama fell for it hook, line, and sinker, caving for each and every one of Russia's special deals, which includes undercutting our ability for anti-nuclear sanctions on Iran.

Pakistan has done all it can to impede our efforts in Afghanistan. And Obama's response was to thank them with the distribution of 7.5 billion bucks in nonmilitary aid. And where do you think that money will go?


After denying all of the Israeli compromise offers, while rewarding terror and intransigence in Pakistan, Obama now is ready to return to his battle against the American People, changing the American Form of Government.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Bam's triple-diplo-whammy day - New York Post

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